Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Friday, July 26, 2024

RB176 Mike's Horse aka The Horse Test

 RANGER BILL for a Friday afternoon, 7/26/24, is :

RB176 Mike's Horse aka The Horse Test

Mike Baker is a boy in Henry’s club. He has just become a Christian. He loves horses and rides Sheriff Cal’s horses because he doesn’t have his own. Mike’s dad is strongly against this “religion stuff.” Mr. Baker dares Mike to pray for one to prove God exists. Mike prays for a horse and that his dad will find God. How will God answer Mike’s prayer?


Thursday, July 25, 2024

RB175 Water Tank Rescue

  RANGER BILL for this Thursday, July 25, 2024, with 

RB175 Water Tank Rescue

 Knotty Pine’s new water tower has just been built and is ready fill with fresh water for all the thirsty townsfolk of Knotty Pine. But Henry and his buddy Alec want a closer look at this new behemoth before it begins its work. Out of curiosity, the boys decide to climb to the top of the tower. Then curiosity gets them into some real trouble, and they don’t know how to get out! This little escapade turns into a matter of life and death!

This story is also known as "Smart Alec's Water Tank Inspection".

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RB173 Marty Patton's Piano

 RANGER BILL for this Tuesday, 7/23/24, is a fun and funny story:

RB173 Marty Patton's Piano

Stumpy recalls his younger days when he was studying to become a ranger. The Patton’s were his upstairs neighbors in the boarding house where he was living. The peace and quiet Stumpy needed to study was broken when Marty Patton began taking piano lessons and was practicing EVERY day. See how Stumpy managed to survive this terrible ordeal.


RB 174 Henry's Crisis of Faith/Prove God Exists

  RANGER BILL for Wednesday, 7/24/2024, is:

RB174 "Henry's Crisis of Faith" aka "Prove God Exists"
Henry's college friend, Harvey Elroy, doesn't believe in God, and he is working hard to challenge Henry's faith. Henry has doubts as he wrestles with how to present his faith. A hike with his boys club offers insights into showing that God exists.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

My Sincere Thanks for your Interest

 My Sincere Thanks for your Interest

Many thanks to all of you for your continued interst, support, and great comments. I especially want to thank Annette, Kaylee, Jim, Joyce, Jenny, Tim, Joel, Caitlin, Joseph, and Mike for all your comments. And please forgive me if I have overlooked anyone.

I thank God for all of you. You bless this group and me with all your positive comments, etc.