Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Blessings of Snow - RB066

  Our late Saturday morning Ranger Bill

for March 5, 2022, is 
RB066 The Blessings of Snow
The Big Prairie region is suffering from a long, hard drought. The farmers there are ready give up and quit farming. The area hasn't seen a significant rain or a lasting snowfall in several years. No one can believe that a deep, lasting snowfall is coming let alone a dangerous one - with blessings. Bill gets Big Brute ready to plow in case of heavy snow.

Chat about  the adventures of Bill, Stumpy, Henry and Gray Wolf on our Facebook page (click on the link in the right column). Email me if you are looking for CDs. or mp3 files.

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