Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

RB179 VIPs Visit Knotty Pine aka The Disappearing Buffalo Herd

 RANGER BILL for Wednesday, 7/31/24, is

RB179 "VIPs Visit Knotty Pine" aka "The Disappearing Buffalo Herd".
Today's RANGER BILL is a real treat! This was the second RB story after "Pendleton Valley Fire". This story was originally four 15-minute episodes aired in Octorber and November of 1950. And it aired again as this 30-minute episode that aired in April, 1954.
Colonel Anders comes to Knotty Pine to inform Bill that the governor, a senator, and the Secretary of State are coming to Knotty Pine to see the buffalo herd, the lagest in this country, 48 head. Bill goes to tell Stumpy and Gray Wolf of the VIPs visit, only to find the herd had completely disappeared. Our rangers search all over, with no sign of any buffalo.
Bill thinks a little swim in the icy waters of the Shady is a good idea at this point!!!???


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