Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Thursday, August 29, 2024

RB203 A Miss Is as Good as a Mile

  RANGER BILL for this Thursday was probably one of the early episodes from the first season (1954) or possibly right after Pendleton Valley Fire (1950):

RB203 A Miss Is as Good as a Mile

Bill and the fellas are out patrolling the forest in their ranger snow car (with skies and a propeller). While our rangers are in the forest, Knotty Pine is being invaded – by the US Army! Yes it’s time for the army to hone its skills with some war games. The colonel in charge tries to let Bill know about the war games but Bill can’t be reached. Will 20 miles from Knotty Pine is far enough away to avoid problems? My guess is a big fat “NO.”

Note: This episode was one that was lost or damaged in storage and recently found or repaired. It is now part of the Ranger Bill audio files.


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