Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Saturday, September 14, 2024

RB132 Avalanche Rescue

  RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 9/14/24, will leave you shivering:

RB132 Avalanche Rescue

Bill and Henry are busy knocking down avalanches on the Big Six Mountains. Novice skier Jenny Bender aims to tackle those steep hills regardless of the risk. Bill closes the Big Six to any skiers until he and Henry clear all the dangerous drifts. Jenny sneaks out to go skiing before Bill opens the slopes. A huge avalanche threatens the ski lodge and the headstrong young lady.


RB025 Timid Timothy

 RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning, 9/14/24, is

RB025 Timid Tomothy 

Tim Sullivan has a long history of getting into bad business deals. When his uncle offers him a good job as logging manager, he is afraid to fail once more. Tim’s dad, Officer Mike Sullivan, asks Bill to step in and try to make Tim into a successful businessman. Bill enlists several of his rangers to help Tim. Even Frenchy DeSalle and his lumberjacks get in the act.


Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Ouzel Bird

Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Sept. 14, 2024

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes a Water Ouzel (sounds like "oo-zel") Bird. An ouzel bird lives in the Rockies. He holds his breath then walks under water to find his food.


RB213 and RB214 Spirits and the Spirit (parts 1 and 2)

 RANGER BILL for Thursday and Friday, 9/12&13/2024, is

RB213/214  The Spirits and the Spirit, parts 1and 2

Bill and Stumpy and a map maker go on vacation in South America to visit an old abandoned Portuguese fort hidden deep in the jungle along the Amazon River. The local residents are afraid to go to the fort for fear of the spirits of the dead Portuguese soldiers there. Legend says the soldiers were killed by natives who were made slaves to dig gold for the soldiers. Now the spirits of the soldiers guard their ill-gotten gold.



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

RB211 and RB212 Muscle and Prayer (parts 1 and 2)

 Ranger Bill for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons (9/10 and 9/11/2024) is

RB211 Muscle and Prayer (part 1)

Frenchy DeSalle fears no one and nothing. But the huge, strapping French Canadian logging foreman, has gone out of his mind with fear. Frenchy and his loggers find a cougar and a bear, both crushed to death. Frenchy knows these are the calling cards of the one man he fears, "The Bear." Who is this Bear? Why does Frenchy fear this man so? And what has happened to Frenchy's faith? Frenchy's boss calls for the one man who may be able to help Frenchy - Chief Ranger Bill Jefferson.


RB212 Muscle and Prayer (part 2)

Frenchy DeSalle and Boris the Bear want to fight to the bitter end, so Bill jails both of them until they cool off. Boris finally cools down and agrees to leave town, and Frenchy returns to work. But both men still harbor much pain and anger. Frenchy prays for an end to their feud while Boris depends on whiskey for strength. How will the Lord answer Frenchy’s prayer?


RB210 One Million Years Ago

 RANGER BILL for Monday, 9/9/24, should leave you guessing and scratching your head:

RB210 One Million years Ago

Huge LIVE dinosaurs are being seen in the Badlands at night and are scaring folks out of the Badlands. Conrad Vlandingum and his assistant Morgan are digging up dinosaur bones in the Badlands, but Bill doubts that they are real archaeologists. Vlandingum and his assistant are the only people who aren't afraid of these dinosaur sightings. Bill intends to find out how extinct dinosaurs have suddenly come to life.

This is another "new" Ranger Bill story that hasn't been aired in recent years. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thanks for your Interest in Ranger Bill

 Thanks for your interest in RANGER BILL!!! 

Your continued interest in and use of these pages on both Blogger and Facebook makes this a truly enjoyable effort for me. Please feel free to add your thoughts, comments, questions, and insights. I will try to share and reshare the information about the actors and others involved in the production of RANGER BILL. 

I am sorry that I have only part 1 of the very first Ranger Bill story, Pendleton Valley Fire, for you to hear. All three scripts for the three parts of PVF are on our Ranger Bill Files page on Facebook. Please enjoy reading the PDFs of those scripts. 

And my special thanks to the following RB fans who have commented recently:

Cordelia            Joseph

Kaylee               Tami

Jenny                Mike

Austin                Eva

Annette            Kayle

Joyce                Joel


RB130 The Mountain that Moved

   RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 9/7/24, is truly one of their biggest adventures yet:

RB130 The Mountain that Moved

Stumpy and Henry go fishing on Old Thunderhead. Strange sounds start coming from the mountain. Then a seismologist, Mr. Chenowith, arrives to investigate strange readings coming from the mountain. Earthquakes trap Henry and Stumpy and threaten their lives. Then Old Thunderhead actually begins to move, leaving huge chasms and blocking all the mountain's roads. Bill must find a way to rescue his friends before it's too late.


OTRR #171

Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Frigate Bird

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Sept. 7, 2024

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from a Frigate Bird. Frigate birds live mostly on tropical islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They are agile flyers, and they use that agility to steal food from other birds.


RB024 Ice Pack

 Our RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning, 9/7/24, takes our rangers to the dangerous ocean ice fields near Alaska - RB024:

Ice Pack 

The vessel Sea Chaser is trapped in the huge, powerful ice flows near Alaska. When they are unable to contact anyone by radio, the passengers and crew plan a mutiny. Bill and his rangers are called in to find Sea Chaser and bring everyone safely home.

Icebergs are an even bigger threat in 2024 than they were in the 1950s when Ice Pack first aired.

Click on Ranger Bill on Facebook to chat about "Ice Pack" this week.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

RB208 and RB209 The (haunted) Church at Bent Creek

 We end our work week  with a 2-part RANGER BILL adventure:

RB208/209 The (Haunted) Church at Bent Creek parts 1 and 2

Much of Bent Creek is abandoned including the general store - and the church. The reason it's abandoned is because folks there believe that the Bent Creek Church is haunted. Weird things go on at night inside the church - lights go on and off, the bell rings by itself, strange noises come from the tower, and the organ plays all by itself. Young pastor Jeff and his wife Jean are even afraid to stay at the parsonage. Bill, Stumpy and Gray Wolf have no idea what to do about the strange things that go on at the church. How will the gospel ever be preached again in Bent Creek?

This is a 2-part Ranger Bill adventure. Don't miss a minute of the action and excitement!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

RB207 The Town that Wouldn't Move

    We have another exciting RANGER BILL adventure for this Wednesday, Sept. 4 2024:

RB207 The Town that Wouldn't Move

The small town of Big Rock must move to make way for the construction of a badly needed hydro-electric dam. Not one person in the town is willing to move. The townspeople prefer to fight rather than move. Bill is appointed to be the mediator in this dispute. Bill must decide whether Big Rock stays or goes. No matter who wins this fight, Bill loses.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Harbour Light update

Harbour Light  update 9/2/24 - Recovering and Returning Slowly

I am very happy to say that Harbour Light Radio is slowly beginning to return to the airwaves and Internet. They are transmitting in both AM and FM but at about half normal power. Their AM tower is gone and must be replaced. Most of their buildings have sustained damage - missing roofs, water damage, and more. Their generator that powers both transmitters and much of their electrical  equipment and computers need to be replaced or repaired.

Harbour Light's employees and volunteers are also busy repairing their homes and replacing belongings.

Harbour Lights needs are many and expensive. They need your financial support as well as your prayers. Donations can be made through the Aviation Radio Ministry website or by mail. But do pray for their welfare and complete recovery from Hurricane Beryl.

RB205 The Swinging Tower of Eagle's Rest

 Our Ranger Bill story for Monday, Labor Day, 9/2/2024, is:

RB205 The Swinging Tower of Eagles Rest

Fire tower 10 is one of the highest in the national forest with breathtaking views and a reputation for swaying in the high winds there. Folks from all around the Knotty Pine area like to visit tower 10 and its rangers, Tom and Joe, and to see Eagles' Rest. Young Ken Winthrop has just hiked out to Eagles' Rest when a severe snowstorm hits. Ranger Tom slips and breaks his leg, the phone line breaks, and their radio link to headquarters goes down when the antenna blows away. A severely injured ranger and no contact with the outside world - can anything else go wrong?

Enjoy this exciting adventure!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

RB129 The Secret of Seal Island

  A special Sunday RANGER BILL for Sept. 1, 2024, is one long search for a heartless poacher:

RB129 The Secret of Seal Island

Bill and his rangers have a poacher in the national forest. This man has been able to hunt illegally at will and still avoid even being seen. Gray Wolf names this man lupe garu, Wolverine (the glutton). Wolverine disappears then shows up in Alaska poaching fur seals. Washington asks Bill and Gray Wolf to travel to the Arctic Circle to find and capture this criminal. Can the fellas even locate Wolverine in the Arctic, let alone capture him?

