Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Monday, September 2, 2024

Harbour Light update

Harbour Light  update 9/2/24 - Recovering and Returning Slowly

I am very happy to say that Harbour Light Radio is slowly beginning to return to the airwaves and Internet. They are transmitting in both AM and FM but at about half normal power. Their AM tower is gone and must be replaced. Most of their buildings have sustained damage - missing roofs, water damage, and more. Their generator that powers both transmitters and much of their electrical  equipment and computers need to be replaced or repaired.

Harbour Light's employees and volunteers are also busy repairing their homes and replacing belongings.

Harbour Lights needs are many and expensive. They need your financial support as well as your prayers. Donations can be made through the Aviation Radio Ministry website or by mail. But do pray for their welfare and complete recovery from Hurricane Beryl.

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