Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Thursday, October 17, 2024

RB219 Skinner Raises a Storm


Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 16,2024, is
RB219 "Skinner Raises a Storm"
Skinner McNeil loves his mules. They have worked hard and faithfully pulling Skinner's two wagons for 12 years. Skinner and his mules work for the Mountain Refining Co. MRC makes glass. Skinner hauls, or rather hauled, sand from the mines to the glass works.
Hal the owner wants to sell mules to the butcher. Skinner is arrested for stealing the mules to save them. Skinner races the mules against a dump truck to determine his sentence.
This is a real contest of man and his animals against machines.

RB215 Typhoid Fever at Storm Point

 Our RANGER BILL for Thursday afternoon, 10/17/24, is:

RB215 Typhoid Fever at Storm Point

Several cases of Typhoid Fever appear at the same time at Storm Point. Bill and a young doctor must try to control the outbreak and find the carrier of the fever. 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

RB143 Flying Wonders aka Richard and God

 RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 10/12/24, is:

RB143  "Flying Wonders" aka "Richard and God" .

Henry's cousin Richard comes to Knotty Pine to visit for the summer, and to take flying lessons with Henry and Mary Lu. Bill was their instructor. The flying lessons bring up questions in Richard's mind about God and His ability to be everywhere at once. Richard's boldness at the controls grows rapidly with each lesson. 
Bill is concerned about Richard's faith and his flying confidence.

Nature corner/Storybook Room - Dolphin

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Sat., Oct. 12, 2024:

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from Dilly Dolphin. Dolphins have something in common with last week's guest Rusty Rattlesnake, and that is the ability to see in the dark with needing to use their eyes. While rattlesnakes sense heat with their pips to see in the dark, dolphins have very sensative SONAR when their eyes can't see. Catch all Dilly has to say today:


RB034 Piggyback

  RANGER BILL tries to make peace between two competitors, early Sat. morning, Oct. 12,2024:

 RB034 – Piggyback – Dangerous winter weather and complex delivery problems threaten the survival of both Canyon City Truck Lines and the railroad. Leonard Grant, owner of CCTL, and Spence Neihoff, superintendent of the Knotty Pine railroad district, do not get along and refuse to work with one another. Bill must teach these men how to work together instead of against each other.


First aired Nov. 19, 1955. This is OTRR #22.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

RB142 Camera Crew in Knotty Pine aka Stumpy in the Movies

  Ranger Bill for Thursday, Oct. 10, 2023, is

RB142 Camera Crew in Knotty Pine

aka Stumpy in the Movies

 A film crew comes to Knotty Pine to shoot wildlife. Stumpy wants to be the star of the show. The director gets lost, has a bad fall, and gets amnesia.


RB017 Overflow

  RANGER BILL for Tuesday, 10/8/24, is a wet one:

RB017 Overflow

  Two days of hard rains plus heavy spring snow melt have combined to threaten Big Ridge Dam. The operators at the dam must open its floodgates soon or the dam will burst. Bill and his rangers have just 3 hours to warn all the farmers and ranchers in the valley below Big Ridge before the gates are opened.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

RB019 Sultan King of Beasts

  RANGER BILL for Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024, is

RB019 Sultan, King of Beasts 

Sultan is a huge and powerful lion at Kittyland wild animal park. Sultan defies then scares his trainer Flick Martin. Can Bill help Flick find his courage to control Sultan? If not, Kittyland might close, and Sultan may be destroyed!


RB016 Hidden Treasure aka Trouble at the Flying Double Bar Ranch

  RANGER BILL for Monday afternoon, 10/7/24, is:

RB016 Hidden Treasure aka Trouble at the Flying Double Bar Ranch

Lester Winters inherited the family ranch when his dad died. The bank must take the ranch because of some unpaid loans. Les barricades himself in the house behind his rifle. The rangers find some of Les’ missing cattle, but they’re not enough to settle the estate’s debt. Then Bill hears a wild story about buried treasure on the Winters ranch.


RB141 Setting Sail aka The Man at the Door

RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 10/5/24, is:

RB141 Setting Sail aka The Man at the Door

Bill and JoJo (filling in for Henry) take an ocean cruise to Puerto Combello so Bill can teach new forestry and conservation practices there. Their cruise is soon interrupted when Bill catches a man listening to their conversation through the cabin door. The man escapes, so Bill and the ship's detective must hunt the man down. There is also a wealthy man from the Middle East onboard, and Bill is concerned for this gentleman's safety.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for 10/5/24:

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes Rusty Rattlesnake. Rusty comes from the state of Texas. Rusty has been designed very differently from most land aimals. Find out how God has made a rattlesnake's tounge and nose to aid it in hunting for food.


Bob has talked with other snakes as well. Here are a few of those chats:




RB033 Chinook

 Ranger Bill is hoping for winter weather for early Saturday morning, 10/5/24, with RB033:


It's winter in the Shady Mountains. At least it's supposed to be. The dreaded Chinook winds are blowing. The winds make it 50 degrees in the mountains when it ought to be 15 degrees below zero. The snow in the Shadies is melting and filling up Mid-Mountain Dam and cracking off huge chunks of glacier ice. The rising waters and the moving ice are threatening Mid-Mountain and Knotty Pine Dams. The threat to Mid-Mountain Dam grows with each passing hour of thaw. The dam operators ask Bill and the boys to do something to stop the ice. Bill calls on the one person he thinks can stop the ice boulders - Frenchy DeSalle. How can logger Frenchy help Bill stop tons and tons of speeding ice flows?

Maybe the title needs an exclamation point!


Friday, October 4, 2024

RB014 DIsaster Alert aka Danger! Gasoline Leak

   RANGER BILL for Thursday afternoon, Oct. 4, 2024, is

RB014 Disaster Alert 

A leak from a gas station storage tank dumps 500 gallons of gasoline into the Knotty Pine Bank. Bill and his rangers are called upon to keep the bank and most of Knotty Pine from being blown right off the map. And to make matters worse, state examiners are threatening to close the bank permanently if it can’t be kept open for business during the crisis.


RB015 The Hunted

  RANGER BILL livens up our Friday, Oct. 4, 2024, with

RB015 The Hunted


While out on ski patrol, the rangers hear the cry of an unknown big cat. The cat turns out to be a jaguar. Our rangers have their work cut out for them when the cat threatens the cattle on nearby ranches of Blue Valley.

Go to our Facebook page to chat about this week's story.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

RB012 The Eviction of Pa and Ma Skunk

 Ranger Bill for Tuesday, 10/1/24, is:

RB012 The Eviction of Pa and Ma Skunk

 Texans Arnold Fleming and his family have just bought a house at Goose Lake. But there is a problem. Another family is already living in, or rather under, the Flemings’ house, a family of skunks. The Flemings don’t know what to do or who to ask for help. Luckily, neighbor Abner knows just what to do. He calls in Ranger Bill. But evicting these stinky pests may prove to be much harder than anyone could imagine.

OTRR #18


RB011 Death's Half Mile

  RB011 is our RANGER BILL story for this last Monday in September,9/30/2024,

"Death's Half Mile".

One stretch of road outside of Knotty Pine generates at least three accidents a week. It's called Death's Half Mile. This road has a very sharp corner followed by a narrow bridge followed by a nearly blind railroad crossing. Bruno Allen and his son live on a ranch near the roadway. They must be ready at a moment's notice, day and night, to call police and offer first aid to the injured.
Ranger Bill and his men intend to end the nightmare at Death's Half Mile!