Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Saturday, August 31, 2024

RB199 Raging Rapids

  RANGER BILL for Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, is 

RB199 Raging Rapids

Henry helps Pete Flory at a Christian camp canoe trip. Two of the boys, Ed and Paul, constantly get into trouble. The boys decide to sneak away and ride the rapids. They get trapped on the rocks in the middle of the river. The river is rising and getting swifter. They can't escape and no one can get to them. Can Bill and Stumpy save the boys before they drown?

RB128 Danger! Deer Crossing

  RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 8/31/24, is:

Danger! Deer Crossing - RB128

Bill, Stumpy, and Gray Wolf are part of a huge team of soldiers, law enforcement officers and rangers. Their job - keep anything, man or animal, out of the blast zone of an atomic bomb test. Despite their best efforts, a family of deer (and two spies) manage to slip into the test. The deer are exposed to the blast and must be found! But will they and those spies be able to elude capture? Gray Wolf may hold the key to a safe and successful end to this test.


RB023 Dead on Arrival

  Our early Saturday morning RANGER BILL for Labor Day Weekend, Aug. 31, 2024, is RB023

Dead on Arrival

Henry is a ham radio operator. One evening, his radio picks up a distress call from a trapper and his son in Cougar Canyon. The boy is seriously ill and needs immediate medical attention. But before Bill and Henry can get to the trappers’ cabin, the boy dies. Despite appearances, Bill thinks there is a chance that the boy can be revived.


Nature Corner/Storybook Room = Krill

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Aug. 31, 2024

Uncle Bob Devine gets avisit from a small, shrimp-like creature who lives in the Antaectic Ocean, Krill.

Krill are food for many of the creatures of the Antarctic, and in turn their food is phyto-plankton.



Thursday, August 29, 2024

RB203 A Miss Is as Good as a Mile

  RANGER BILL for this Thursday was probably one of the early episodes from the first season (1954) or possibly right after Pendleton Valley Fire (1950):

RB203 A Miss Is as Good as a Mile

Bill and the fellas are out patrolling the forest in their ranger snow car (with skies and a propeller). While our rangers are in the forest, Knotty Pine is being invaded – by the US Army! Yes it’s time for the army to hone its skills with some war games. The colonel in charge tries to let Bill know about the war games but Bill can’t be reached. Will 20 miles from Knotty Pine is far enough away to avoid problems? My guess is a big fat “NO.”

Note: This episode was one that was lost or damaged in storage and recently found or repaired. It is now part of the Ranger Bill audio files.


Monday, August 26, 2024

RB197 Bill Gets Lost in a Cavern aka Transistor Walkie-Talkies


Monday afternoon Aug. 26, 2024:

Bill Gets Lost in a Cavern aka Transistor Walkie-Talkies

Bill asks Henry and his boys group to test out the rangers’ new walkie-talkies. The boys’ test takes them deep into the forest where they discover wreckage from a recent plane crash. But the plane’s occupants are missing. The search is on for the missing pilot and passengers.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

RB216 Pendleton Valley Fire (pt. 1)


Saturday afternoon, Aug. 24, 2024 is

RB216 (my episode #) Pendleton Valley Fire'

aka First Ranger Bill Show aka First Snow (part 1 of 3) 15 min. long

Fire has broken out in Pendleton Valley. Colonel Ander and his rangers rush to the valley to extinguish the fire, but dry weather is making their fire fight very, very tough. The Colonel is afraid they won't be able to control the blaze, so he sends Ranger Bill and his ward Henry into the mountains to Pine Ridge Dam. Bill is also taking along two horses and a box of high explosives.

Parts 2 and 3 of this very first RANGER BILL adventure are available only as PDFs or in print as scripts.

In parts 2 and 3, Bill and Henry first travel by truck and then by horseback to Pine Ridge Dam. The boys set up camp at the dam and begin 4-hour shifts through the night watching for a signal to blow up the dam and flood Pendleton Valley below to put out the fire. The two have devotions using John 1:12. 

Bill reminds Henry keep a good fire going all night to keep predators away, especially Uncle Joe, the biggest mountain  lion around. A rattler sneaks up onto Bill's leg, Bill escapes the rattler but badly sprains his ankle. Now Henry will have to crawl out on top of the dam to set the dynamite!

The signal comes in the wee hours of the morning to blow Pineridge. But rain has also come and made the dam extremely slippery to cross. Henry crawls across the wet stone dam and slips. Bill must gather his strength and will to crawl out to Henry with an injured leg! Can our two heroes save themselves while destroying Pine Ridge?


Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Fig Tree/Fig Wasp

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Aug. 24, 2024

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes two guests for this Saturday who have a special relationship with each other. The two are the Fig Tree and the Fig Wasp. Hear how this tree and insect rely on one another to produce figs and fig wasps.



RB196 Cotton and Candy

  RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, Aug. 24, 2024, is:

RB196 Cotton and Candy

Bill finds an injured bunny and asks Henry to nurse it back to health. Then Bill, Stumpy and Henry visit little Candy Faye who has been in and out of the hospital most of her life. Henry decides to share Cotton with sick little Candy. Cotton disappears. Can our rangers find the bunny? How will Candy react to the loss?

RB022 Glacier Cave-In

  Our RANGER BILL adventure for early Saturday morning, Aug. 24, 2024, is

RB022 Glacier Cave-In

A team of archeologists study an ancient cave that was exposed when the Big Slide Glacier moved. The glacier moves again and causes an earthquake and landslides. Bill and Henry are part of a rescue team sent to recover the scientists. One of the scientists, Dr. Swift, is trapped under a slide. Amputation of the doctor’s leg may be the only way to save his life.


RB195 Hearing God to Help the Missionaries

  Our RANGER BILL tale for this Thursday, 8/22/24, is about a young boy who must make some tough choices:

RB195 Hearing God to Help the Missionaries aka The Diamond Ring

Young Ronnie Quiller wants to help the missionaries Barth and Jeannie Ludlow. He finds a diamond ring lost in the street. He wants to sell the ring and give the money to the Ludlow’s. Ronnie must wait 30 days for the ring’s owner to come forward and claim the ring.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

RB194 Rattlesnake Sam aka 50 or 60 Snakes

 RANGER BILL  for Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024, is 

RB194 Rattlesnake Sam aka 50 or 60 Snakes

Sam and Danny Smith hunt poisonous snakes for the Florida Reptile Institute. They take Henry’s friend Jack Harris on a snake hunt. Sam loses a bag of snakes, and Jack must protect a school of children from the deadly reptiles. 


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

RB193 The Fire Bomber's Pink Cloud

  Our Tuesday RANGER BILL adventure story for Aug. 20, 2024, is:

(The Fire Bomber's) Pink Cloud

Abner Benson is Bill’s friend from the service. Abner is a pilot with a new way to fight fires by dropping pink clouds of calcium borate on grass. His plane crashes while demonstrating his idea and nearly kills him. Abner’s wife Marge wants him to quit flying. Can Abner stay out of the cockpit to please Marge and still lead Bill’s new fire bombers? 

RB192 The Fishermen and the Firebug

  RANGER BILL begins our work week, Mondat, 8/19/2024, with:

RB192 Fire Bug aka The Fishermen and the Fire Bug

Several campfires are left unattended along the river. Rangers Bill and Ralph suspect two out-of-town fishermen are to blame. Mike Demory discovered a fire on the edge of his farm. He suspects that “Old” Buck Sawyer is a fire bug. Mike insists that Bill arrest Old Buck. Bill must find the fire bug before fire destroys the farms and woods.

I believe this is one of the last of the RANGER BILL episodes. Gray wolf and Henry are missing from this story. Also the opening is from the later half of Bill's adventures.


OTRR #143

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Giant Sequoia Tree

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Aug. 17, 2024

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from a mighty big fellow, a Giant Sequoia Tree - with a name, General Sherman. The General was around when Moses crossed the Red Sea with the children of Israel.


When Ranger Bill mentions the giant pines, General Sherman and his relatives are it. They  are certainly the biggest and some of the oldest plants on earth. Bristlecone Pines are older at about 5000 years old. And a Norway Spruce named Old Tjikko in Sweden is a tree that clones itself and is more than 9,500 years old.

RB189 Trestle Ice Jam

Our Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, Aug. 17, 2024, is:

RB189 Trestle Ice Jam


Warming weather sends rising waters and huge ice flows toward a railroad trestle. The ice threatens to collapse the trestle. Dynamite won’t clear the flows, so Bill must come up with a novel idea to save the trestle. “Don’t lose your head or you might lose your life” is Stumpy’s theme for this story. And Stumpy gets to read from his crazy seed catalog!

RB021 Death on the Waterfront

 RANGER BILL for Aug. 17, 2024, is

 RB021 – Death on the Waterfront – Six healthy men fall ill suddenly and die. All these men had been in Knotty Pine’s warehouse district along the Shady River recently. Bill thinks Bubonic Plague may be the cause. But how do you stop plague not to mention the panic this is going to create?

#191 on the OTRR list:


Thursday, August 15, 2024

RB190 Runaway aka The River Giant

  RANGER BILL for Thursday, 8/15/24, is:

RB190 "Run Away" aka "The River Giant"
Tad Coates owns a barge service at Central City. His newest tow boat is called The River Giant, It weighs 350 tons; has five decks, 10 rudders, four screws, and four engines that produce 8,500 Horsepower.
Tad's other tow boat is pushing ten tanker barges that are holding one million gallons of gasoline a piece. Two of those barges catch fire and burn with intense heat. Pilot Mark is afraid and needs Bill, Stumpy and more to prevent an awful fire.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

RB188 Forest Fire aka Hot Fire and Sowing Seeds

 RB188 "Forest Fire" aka "Hot Fire and Sowing Seeds" is our

RANGER BILL for Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024.
Tom is the ranger at Fire Tower #3. He meets wealthy New Zeeland scientist Dr. Harris and his assistant Franklin. Dangerously dry conditions in the forest force Bill to close the forest to everyone. Dr. Harris and Franklin sneek into the forest and are then trapped in a fierce forest fire. Sudden rains help fight the fire, but also threaten to flood the valley. Fast and effective seeding is needed to save the forest.
What happened to Dr. Harris and Franklin? Did they perish in the fire?
OTRR #140

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Wombat

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Aug. 10, 2024:

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes Wilma Wombat, one of the many marsupials of Australia. Wilma  is related to the kangaroo but look like a small black bear.



RB020 If the Lord Is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

 RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, August 10, 2024, is RB020

"If the Lord Is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?".

Young Army serviceman Ted Sloan stops by ranger headquarters to visit with Bill and Henry. Ted is having a hard time dealing with the persecution he gets for being a Christian.
Bill tells how he was also persecuted as a Navy medic serving with the Marines. The Marine sergeant made life plenty tough for Bill. God made opportunity for Bill to serve and witness even then.

RB019 Sultan King of Beasts

  RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning, Aug. 10, 2024, is

RB019 Sultan, King of Beasts 

Sultan is a huge and powerful lion at Kittyland wild animal park. Sultan defies then scares his trainer Flick Martin. Can Bill help Flick find his courage to control Sultan? If not, Kittyland might close, and Sultan may be destroyed!


RB186 Tounges of Fire

  RANGER BILL for a Friday, Aug. 9. 2024, is

RB186 Tounges of Fire

Frenchy DeSalle’s lumberjacks like to go to Border Town to party every weekend. Frenchy goes to Bill for help controlling his men. Bill soon discovers that a church there has become The Good Times Social Club for Liquor. Then fire begins erupting out of the ground and heading toward Border Town.



Friday, August 9, 2024

RB185 The Duck Call

  RANGER BILL for Thursday, 8/8/24, is RB185 "The Duck Call".

Mr. Gillette is a traveling salesman selling a supersonic silent duck call. He gets Stumpy and several other duck hunters to buy his calls. Stumpy hopes for some great duck hunting, but Bill isn't convinced that this duck call is legitimate. He begins investigating Mr. Gillette.
OTRR #135

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

RB184 Tom's Otter aka Bright Water the Otter

  Our RANGER BILL for Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 7, 2024, is

RB184 Tom's Otter aka Brightwater the Otter

Tom is a lonely fire tower ranger. He adopts a small otter as his pet and names him Bright Water. An illegal trapper captures both Bright Water and Tom. Bill and Stumpy must search the national forest for their fellow ranger. Then our rangers must hunt down and capture the illegal trapper before he does any more poaching.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

RB183 Mystery Island, Mystery Man

 RANGER BILL and Stumpy are on vacation this Tuesday, 8/6/24:

RB183 - Mystery Island, Mystery Man

Bill and Stumpy take a long-needed vacation on a cruise ship. The ship makes an “unscheduled stop” at a “mystery island.” The stop gives passengers an opportunity to tour this “unexplored” island. But a real mystery develops when a reporter on the cruise winds up missing and a missing millionaire is found.


OTRR #187

Monday, August 5, 2024

RB182 Building Corry's Self-Reliance aka The New Rangers

  RANGER BILL to begin the work week, Monday, 8/5/24, is

RB182 Building Corry's Self-Reliance aka The New Rangers

Corry Windsor is one of the new rookie rangers under Bill’s command. Corry has no self-confidence. His first assignment with Stumpy makes matters worse, so he quits the ranger service. Then an emergency forces him to act to save lives duing a grizzly attack.


OTRR #186

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room  for Aug. 3, 2024

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from Waldo the Woodpacker Finch who lives on the Galapagos Islands. God has designed Waldo to use tools to get grubs to eat.

Tim hears the story of David and Goliath.


RB177 He Broke Through the Ice

RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, Aug, 3, 2024, is a real thriller:

RB177 He Broke Through the Ice aka They Killed Ranger Bill

It’s well below zero in Knotty Pine, but Henry and Freddy decide to go ice fishing anyway. Bill and Stumpy drive out to see how the boys are doing. Some other boys are playing nearby. Bill drives down the frozen river to check on those boys. His car falls into the river, and he doesn’t come out!!! Henry is bitter, and Stumpy is perplexed. Have we come to the end of Ranger Bill and these stories? 


RB215 - Typhoid Fever at Storm Point

 Our RANGER BILL for Saturday afternoon, 8/3/24, is:

RB215 Typhoid Fever at Storm Point

Several cases of Typhoid Fever appear at the same time at Storm Point. Bill and a young doctor must try to control the outbreak and find the carrier of the fever. 


RB018 Tony's Place aka Standing Firm for What Is Right

 Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Aug. 3,2024, is:

RB018 Tony's Place aka Standing Firm for What Is Right

Ed Blake’s gang asks Tony to sponsor them so they can buy baseball uniforms. They vandalize Tony’s Market when he doesn’t give them the cash right away. One boy in the gang, Mike, is willing to stand up to the gang and tell the truth. Then Tony’s store is damaged even worse than the first time. Tony asks Bill for help to stop the violence.


Friday, August 2, 2024

RB181 The Trouble with Gossip aka Tell Me a Story

 RANGER BILL for Friday, Aug. 2, 2024, is

RB181 The Trouble with Gossip aka Tell Me a Story

Amelia Perdy starts a rumor that Bill is forcing Stumpy to retire. The rumor spread all over town. KP city council wants to honor Stumpy, so they throw him a retirement dinner. Bill and Stumpy decide go along and play “Tell Me a Story” at the dinner.


OTRR #118

Thursday, August 1, 2024

RB180 Roving Wolves

  RANGER BILL for Thursday, 8/1/24, is

RB 180 Roving Wolves

Gunter Neeves runs a rabbit farm outside Knotty Pine. He is losing those rabbits to a pack of hungry, roving wolves. He asks Bill and his men to deal with the wolves and stop the attacks on his rabbits. When Bill doesn’t get the desired results fast enough, Gunter decides to take matters into his own hands.


Harbour Light Update #2

 Harbour Light Radio is still off the air after nearly 4 weeks.

 Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Carriacou, Grenada, home of Harbour Light, on the afternoon or evening of Monday, July 1, 2024, as a catagory 3 or 4 hurricane. Beryl toppled their AM antenna tower, damaged their electrical generator and AM transmitter, tore the roof off one building, and did other less serious damage. 

Harbour Light was hoping to get FM transmissions back up in a week or two. So far they haven't been blessed with success getting back on the air.

Please continue to keep Harbour Light in your thoughts and especially in your prayers!