Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

RB134 The Cattle Rustlers of Cocanino

  Our RANGER BILL for Wednesday, March 26,2025, is:

RB134 The Cattle Rustlers of Cocanino

The Joe and Jack Jackson, identical twins, own the Big J Ranch. They mysteriously lose part of their cattle herd. The Jacksons suspect rustlers, but modern communications stopped rustling years ago. The boys keep losing cattle a few at a time. They finally ask Ranger Bill to check into their mystery. A mystery man, Mr. Dark, may be the key to this mystery.


Monday, March 24, 2025

RB132 Avalanche Rescue

 RANGER BILL to begin a new work week, 3/24/25, will leave you shivering:

RB132 Avalanche Rescue

Bill and Henry are busy knocking down avalanches on the Big Six Mountains. Novice skier Jenny Bender aims to tackle those steep hills regardless of the risk. Bill closes the Big Six to any skiers until he and Henry clear all the dangerous drifts. Jenny sneaks out to go skiing before Bill opens the slopes. A huge avalanche threatens the ski lodge and the headstrong young lady.


OTRR #173

RB192 The Fishermen and the Firebug

 RANGER BILL begins a new week on Sunday, 3/23/2025, with:

RB192 Fire Bug aka The Fishermen and the Fire Bug

Several campfires are left unattended along the river. Rangers Bill and Ralph suspect two out-of-town fishermen are to blame. Mike Demory discovered a fire on the edge of his farm. He suspects that “Old” Buck Sawyer is a fire bug. Mike insists that Bill arrest Old Buck. Bill must find the fire bug before fire destroys the farms and woods.

I believe this is one of the last of the RANGER BILL episodes. Gray wolf and Henry are missing from this story. Also the opening is from the later half of Bill's adventures.


OTRR #143

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Horned Lizard

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for March 22, 2025

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes Lambert the Horned Lizard. Lambert looks much like a frog, but he is really is a lizard, because of his 1-inch tail. Horned lizards can be found in 20 U.S. states, parts of Canada, and into Central America. Learn what Lambert eats and how he keeps from being eaten himself.


RB228 Old Three Toes (a Cougar)

  RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning March 22, 2025, is

RB228 "Old Three Toes (a cougar)"
Stumpy and his horse Blackie must face Old Three Toes for the second time in their lives. The old cougar goes crazy with hunger, so he heads toward Knotty Pine looking for sheep and other smaller animals to feed upon.