Ranger Headquarters

Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine
Saturday, December 29, 2018
RB211 Muscle and Prayer, pt.1
Frenchy DeSalle fears no one and nothing. But the huge, strapping French Canadian logging foreman, has gone out of his mind with fear. Frenchy and his loggers find a cougar and a bear, both crushed to death. Frenchy knows these are the calling cards of the one man he fears, "The Bear." Who is this Bear? Why does Frenchy fear this man so? And what has happened to Frenchy's faith? Frenchy's boss calls for the one man who may be able to help Frenchy - Chief Ranger Bill Jefferson.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
RB210 One Million Years Ago
Huge LIVE dinosaurs are being seen in the Badlands at night and are scaring folks out of the Badlands. Conrad Vlandingum and his assistant Morgan are digging up dinosaur bones in the Badlands, but Bill doubts that they are real archaeologists. Vlandingum and his assistant are the only people who aren't afraid of these dinosaur sightings. Bill intends to find out how extinct dinosaurs have suddenly come to life.
This is another "new" Ranger Bill story that hasn't been aired in recent years. Enjoy this rare treat!!!
This is another "new" Ranger Bill story that hasn't been aired in recent years. Enjoy this rare treat!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2018
RB209 The (Haunted) Church at Bent Creek (pt.2)
The boys return secretly for a second night at the haunted church at Bent Creek. Bill is convinced that someone or something is causing the late night lights and sounds at the church – and now a fence that sparks but has no electric power. Could it be Hiram or Thor? Could the fence spark some ideas in our chief ranger?
Saturday, December 8, 2018
RB208 The Church at Bent Creek (pt.1)
Much of Bent Creek is abandoned including the general store - and the church. The reason it's abandoned is because folks there believe that the Bent Creek Church is haunted. Weird things go on at night inside the church - lights go on and off, the bell rings by itself, strange noises come from the tower, and the organ plays all by itself. Young pastor Jeff and his wife Jean are even afraid to stay at the parsonage. Bill, Stumpy and Gray Wolf have no idea what to do about the strange things that go on at the church. How will the gospel ever be preached again in Bent Creek?
This is the 6th "NEW" Ranger Bill adventure from our friends at Moody Audio. This is also our very first 2-part Ranger Bill adventure. Don't miss a minute of the action and excitement!!!
This is the 6th "NEW" Ranger Bill adventure from our friends at Moody Audio. This is also our very first 2-part Ranger Bill adventure. Don't miss a minute of the action and excitement!!!
Saturday, December 1, 2018
RB207 The Town That Wouldn't Move
The small town of Big Rock must move to make way for the construction of a badly needed hydro-electric dam. Not one person in the town is willing to move. The townspeople prefer to fight rather than move. Bill is appointed to be the mediator in this dispute. Bill must decide whether Big Rock stays or goes. No matter who wins this fight, Bill loses.
You can purchase this mp3 at the Moody Audio web site: http://moodyaudio.com/products/town-wouldnt-move
You can purchase this mp3 at the Moody Audio web site: http://moodyaudio.com/products/town-wouldnt-move
Saturday, November 24, 2018
RB206 The Hot Million
It's hot and dry in the forest as Bill and Stumpy inspect the trees and fire lanes around Big Gap. The fellas also inspect the high tension power lines that run through the gap. A million volts of electricity pass up and down those lines. The boys find a weak line that is about to break. The sparks from a broken power line could start a raging treetop fire.There is a power company repair crew working not too far away. The boys find the crew and ask the foreman Burt Engals to take his crew and fix the badly stressed line, but Burt refuses. What can the boys do now to protect the forest from this high-powered danger?
This is a 4th "NEW" Ranger Bill story thanks to the folks at Moody Audio. This program has not been aired in many years. Don't miss out on the excitement of this "new" adventure!
This is a 4th "NEW" Ranger Bill story thanks to the folks at Moody Audio. This program has not been aired in many years. Don't miss out on the excitement of this "new" adventure!
Saturday, November 17, 2018
RB205 The Swinging Tower of Eagles Rest
This is a third "NEW" Ranger Bill story that has not been aired in many, many years. Enjoy this exciting adventure.
Fire tower 10 is one of the highest in the national forest with breathtaking views and a reputation for swaying in the high winds there. Folks from all around the Knotty Pine area like to visit tower 10 and its rangers, Tom and Joe, and to see Eagles' Rest. Young Ken Winthrop has just hiked out to Eagles' Rest when a severe snow storm hits. Ranger Tom slips and breaks his leg, the phone line breaks, and their radio link to headquarters goes down when the antenna blows away. A severely injured ranger and no contact with the outside world - can anything else go wrong?
Fire tower 10 is one of the highest in the national forest with breathtaking views and a reputation for swaying in the high winds there. Folks from all around the Knotty Pine area like to visit tower 10 and its rangers, Tom and Joe, and to see Eagles' Rest. Young Ken Winthrop has just hiked out to Eagles' Rest when a severe snow storm hits. Ranger Tom slips and breaks his leg, the phone line breaks, and their radio link to headquarters goes down when the antenna blows away. A severely injured ranger and no contact with the outside world - can anything else go wrong?
Saturday, November 10, 2018
RB204 Chief of the Dakotas
This week's adventure is a second "NEW" Ranger Bill adventure not aired in many years!!! Enjoy!
Gray Wolf’s father Chief Black Wolf has died. TheDakotas want to make Grey Wolf their new chief, but he doesn’t want the job. Will he give in to the Dakotas ’ demand? Will they take Gray Wolf by force? Will he run away and hide? And what can or will Bill and Henry do to help their friend and fellow ranger?
Gray Wolf’s father Chief Black Wolf has died. The
Saturday, November 3, 2018
RB203 A Miss Is as Good as a Mile
Bill and the fellas are out patrolling the forest in their ranger snow car (with skies and a propeller). While our rangers are in the forest, Knotty Pine is being invaded – by the US Army! Yes it’s time for the army to hone its skills with some war games. The colonel in charge tries to let Bill know about the war games but Bill can’t be reached. Will 20 miles from Knotty Pine is far enough away to avoid problems? My guess is a big fat “NO.”
Note: This episode was one that was lost or damaged in storage and recently found or repaired. It is now part of Moody's Ranger Bill audio files.
Note: This episode was one that was lost or damaged in storage and recently found or repaired. It is now part of Moody's Ranger Bill audio files.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
RB200 Hunt's Place
Mr. Hunt won’t let Bill use any of his property for overnight camp outs with the Knotty Pine Boys Club. Soon Mr. Hunt has several problems with his house. He suspects that Bill’s boys club is responsible. Who is causing all the trouble at Hunt’s place and why?
This story is also known as "Mr. Hunt's Estate".
This story is also known as "Mr. Hunt's Estate".
Saturday, October 20, 2018
RB199 Raging Rapids
Henry helps Pete Flory at a Christian camp canoe trip. Two of the boys, Ed and Paul, constantly get into trouble. The boys decide to sneak away and ride the rapids. They get trapped on the rocks in the middle of the river. The river is rising and getting swifter. They can't escape and no one can get to them. Can Bill and Stumpy save the boys before they drown?
Saturday, October 13, 2018
RB198 Henry's New Job aka Henry's Grocery Job
Henry gets a job as a bagger in a grocery store. He makes friends with the other kids working there, especially cashier Amy. But Henry soon finds out that Amy isn’t a Christian. Will Henry develop a serious relationship with a girl who doesn’t believe in the Bible or Jesus as her savior?
Saturday, October 6, 2018
RB197 Bill Gets Lost in a Cavern aka Transistor Walkie-Talkies
Bill asks Henry and his boys group to test out the rangers’ new walkie-talkies. The boys’ test takes them deep into the forest where they discover wreckage from a recent plane crash. But the plane’s occupants are missing. The search is on for the missing pilot and passengers.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
RB195 Hearing God to Help the Missionaries
Young Ronnie Quiller wants to help the missionaries Barth and Jeannie Ludlow. He finds a diamond ring lost in the street. He wants to sell the ring and give the money to the Ludlow ’s. Ronnie must wait 30 days for the ring’s owner to come forward and claim the ring.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
RB193 (The Fire Bomber's) Pink cloud
Abner Benson is Bill’s friend from the service. Abner is a pilot with a new way to fight fires by dropping pink clouds of calcium borate on grass. His plane crashes while demonstrating his idea and nearly kills him. Abner’s wife Marge wants him to quit flying. Can Abner stay out of the cockpit to please Marge and still lead Bill’s new fire bombers?
Saturday, September 8, 2018
RB192 Fire Bug aka The Fishermen and the Fire Bug
Several campfires are left unattended along the river. Rangers Bill and Ralph suspect two out-of-town fishermen are to blame. Mike Demory discovered a fire on the edge of his farm. He suspects that “Old” Buck Sawyer is a fire bug. Mike insists that Bill arrest Old Buck. Bill must find the fire bug before fire destroys the farms and woods.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
RB190 Run Away aka The River Giant
Bill and Stumpy travel to Central City to meet with Tad Coates to inspect his new tow boat The River Giant. And this tow boat is a true giant, 350 tons with 8,500 horsepower and costing one million dollars. Stumpy can’t wait to chow down in the ship’s galley run by the one and only Maggie Murphy. A barge fire threatens to explode tons of burning gasoline all over the Shady River .
Saturday, August 25, 2018
RB189 (Trestle) Ice Jam
Warming weather sends rising waters and huge ice flows toward a railroad trestle. The ice threatens to collapse the trestle. Dynamite won’t clear the flows, so Bill must come up with a novel idea to save the trestle. “Don’t lose your head or you might lose your life” is Stumpy’s theme for this story. And Stumpy gets to read from his crazy seed catalog!
Saturday, August 18, 2018
RB188 Forest Fire aka Hot Fire and Sowing Seeds
Dr. Harris and his assistant Franklin travel to Knotty Pine from New Zealand to study the national forest. There they meet Tower 3’s Ranger Tom. Tom must ask them to leave because the forest has become dangerously dry, dry enough to spark a terrible forest fire. Dr. Harris wants back into the forest, so our two visitors sneak back into the forest only to face a horrific forest fire. Only the hand of God can save them now, and they don’t believe in God.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
RB187 Contentment in God's Will
Ranger John Bishop and his wife Jane are bored with their lonely life in an isolated ranger station. John prays that God would break up the terrible monotony of this lonely job. God answers John’s prayer in some interesting and unexpected ways.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
RB186 Tounges of Fire
Frenchy DeSalle’s lumberjacks like to go to Border Town to party every weekend. Frenchy goes to Bill for help controlling his men. Bill soon discovers that a church there has become The Good Times Social Club for Liquor. Then fire begins erupting out of the ground and heading toward Border Town.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
RB183 Mystery Island, Mystery Man
Bill and Stumpy take a long-needed vacation on a cruise ship. The ship makes an “unscheduled stop” at a “mystery island.” The stop gives passengers an opportunity to get tour this “unexplored” island. But a real mystery develops when a reporter on the cruise winds up missing and a missing millionaire is found.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
RB182 Building Corry's Self-Reliance
Corry Windsor is one of the new rookie rangers under Bill’s command. Corry has no self-confidence. His first assignment with Stumpy makes matters worse, so he quits the ranger service. Then an emergency forces him to act to save lives in the middle of a cave-in.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
RB181 The Trouble with Gossip
Emilia Perdy starts a rumor that Bill is forcing Stumpy to retire. The rumor spread all over town. KP city council wants to honor Stumpy, so they throw him a retirement dinner. Bill and Stumpy decide go along and play “Tell Me a Story” at the dinner.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
RB180 - Roving Wolves
Gunter Neeves runs a rabbit farm outside Knotty Pine. He is losing those rabbits to a pack of hungry, roving wolves. He asks Bill and his men to deal with the wolves and stop the attacks on his rabbits. When Bill doesn’t get the desired results fast enough, Gunter decides to take matters into his own hands.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
RB179 - VIPs Visit Knotty Pine aka The Disappearing Buffalo Herd
Colonel Anders is bringing a group of Washington dignitaries, as well as the governor, to Knotty Pine just to see the largest herd of wild buffalo in the U.S. But suddenly, the whole herd disappears without a trace. Stumpy, Gray Wolf and the rest of the rangers begin search like mad for the missing buffalo. The boys don’t have a clue as to their whereabouts and Colonel Anders can’t hide this disaster much longer.
This story was originally known as "The Disappearing Buffalo Herd". This was the second Ranger Bill story and was first aired as two 15-minute episodes in 1950.
This story was originally known as "The Disappearing Buffalo Herd". This was the second Ranger Bill story and was first aired as two 15-minute episodes in 1950.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
RB178 Honest Prayer
Bill thinks Henry may be lacking sincerity in his prayer life. He wants Henry to speak from his heart. Bill and Stumpy share the story of Al Ferguson who wanted to help others avoid empty, repetitious prayers. A storm at a church picnic and what followed helped Al make his point.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
RB177 - He Broke Through the Ice
It’s well below zero in Knotty Pine, but Henry and Freddy decide to go ice fishing anyway. Bill and Stumpy drive out to see how the boys are doing. Some other boys are playing nearby. Bill drives down the frozen river to check on those boys. His car falls into the river, and he doesn’t come out!!! Henry is bitter, and Stumpy is perplexed. Have we come to the end of Ranger Bill and these stories?
Saturday, June 2, 2018
RB175 Water Tank Rescue
Knotty Pine’s new water tower has just been built and is ready fill with fresh water for all the thirsty townsfolk. But Henry and his buddy Alec want a closer look at this new behemoth before it begins its work. Out of curiosity, the boys decide to climb to the top of the tower. Then curiosity gets them into some real trouble, and they don’t know how to get out!
This story is also known as "Smart Alec's Water Tank Inspection".
This story is also known as "Smart Alec's Water Tank Inspection".
Saturday, May 26, 2018
RB174 Henry's Crisis of Faith aka Prove God Exists
Henry’s friend Harvey Elroy comes home for college vacation. Harvey is taking botany as his major in college and has become an atheist. Henry invites Harvey to lead his boys club on a nature walk. Then Harvey poses a tough question, “Can you prove God is?” Henry is troubled by the question. Can Bill help him with an answer? Can a splinter in a hand and a hand caught in a trap help Henry better understand faith?
Saturday, May 19, 2018
RB172 - Ashby's Folly
Stumpy runs into old friend Miles Ashby at the bank. Miles was just turned down for a loan. He needs the money so he can keep drilling for oil on his property. He thinks there is oil on his land even though no one has found oil anywhere else in the area. Folks call Miles' well "Ashby's Folly." Tully Philmore offers to buy Miles’ land and his oil drilling supplies. Stumpy wants desperately to help Miles but how?
Saturday, May 12, 2018
RB171 Legal Rights
Ken has a real problem. Neighbor Conrad just shot his daughter’s dog, Mr. Prince. Conrad fears and hates dogs after some attacked his horses. Prince is barely alive. Both Ken and daughter Julie are bitter. Is there anything Bill can do to mend fences between these angry neighbors?
Saturday, May 5, 2018
RB170 The White Buffalo
Lloyd Adams is building tourist cabins outside of town near a rare herd of buffalo. The lead buffalo is an even rarer white buffalo! Lloyd used to be interested in God and church but now is only interested in money. The buffalo could mean even more profit for Lloyd. Can Bill and Stumpy find a way to rekindle Lloyd’s faith?
Saturday, April 21, 2018
RB169 Ranger Bill Times Two aka A Case of Mistaken Identity
Joe Joe Jones and his mom go shopping in Central City. They see someone who looks like Ranger Bill. Joe Joe sneaks away from his mom to follow this man and see if it is Bill. When Joe Joe doesn’t show up after several hours, Mrs. Jones starts to worry. She decides to make a call to ranger headquarters in Knotty Pine. She couldn’t believe her ears and neither will you!
Saturday, April 14, 2018
RB168 The Second Heart
8-year-old Leo Foster faints while taking a walk. Officer O’Roark sees the boy collapse and calls an ambulance. At the hospital, X-rays confirm the worst. Leo has a serious heart defect requiring major surgery. The surgery requires stopping Leo’s heart and tapping into another heart during the surgery. Leo has a rare blood type and needs someone whose blood matches his. The hunt is on for Leo’s second heart!
Hear this week's adventure on our Facebook page (click on the link in the right column) or catch it on Tunein.com this weekend (several stations play it on Saturday)
Hear this week's adventure on our Facebook page (click on the link in the right column) or catch it on Tunein.com this weekend (several stations play it on Saturday)
Saturday, April 7, 2018
RB167 - Next in Line
RB167 – Next in Line – Ralph is hurt and angry when he is passed over for promotion. The rest of Bill’s rangers don’t like the situation either. To top things off, the newly promoted boss ranger, Gill Zodkin, is sent to Knotty Pine for training. Will Ralph quit? Will the new boss ranger survive?
Note: This show was produced in 1955 and is either a first or second season show. Listen to the differences in both Stumpy's and Gray Wolf's voices in this show compared to the last few week's shows which were made 5 or 6 years after this one. Both Stumpy and Gray Wolf speak slower and have raspier voices here compared to those later episodes.
Note: This show was produced in 1955 and is either a first or second season show. Listen to the differences in both Stumpy's and Gray Wolf's voices in this show compared to the last few week's shows which were made 5 or 6 years after this one. Both Stumpy and Gray Wolf speak slower and have raspier voices here compared to those later episodes.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
RB166 The New Recruit aka The Fully Prepared Ranger
Ralph leaves Knotty Pine for a well-deserved promotion. His replacement, Floyd, is very careful but probably about the wrong things. He tries to be prepared for anything - except death.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
RB165 The Sail Sled aka Full Sails
Bill is flying to San Francisco . He meets a heart doctor on his way to operate on a critically ill patient. The plane is forced to crash land in a snowy mountain pass. Bill must come up with a way to find help and deliver the doctor to San Francisco .
This story is a favorite of mine. There's a great gospel presentation and lots of adventure.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
RB164 Freddy's Story aka Old Ben's Gold
Freddy Burns tries to get a job as a cub reporter at the Knotty Pine Sun. His family needs the extra income to survive. The secretary sends Freddy out to find and write a story to show his talent. Bill and Stumpy send Freddy to meet Old Ben, an old prospector who never found any gold.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
RB163 - The Lost Pig aka Tangerine the Pig
Young Jody and Jill’s family has little money. They hope their pig Tangerine will win the cash prize at the fair. But Tangerine has other ideas. She escapes from the fair and hides in a herd of pigs stranded when their delivery truck crashes. The pigs are headed for the butcher. Will Tangerine end up on some family’s dinner table instead of the winners’ circle at the fair?Catch Today's show on TuneIn.com almost any time today or go to our Facebook page and listen any time you'd like!
Saturday, March 3, 2018
RB162 Rules aka The Runaway Boy
Little Norman Clark doesn’t want to listen to his mother. She is trying get Norman to obey a few simple rules such as “Clean your room”. Norman refuses to mind and runs away to teach mom a lesson. Meanwhile, Bill gets a visit from a fellow ranger from England , Hugh Fitzhughvits. What a way to spend a vacation – on the hunt of a missing child.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
RB161 A Little Spark
RB161 "A Little Spark" is our weekend RB adventure. Sparks fly when competing lumber yard owners Tim O'Malley and Carl Walterson argue.
Catch Today's show on TuneIn.com almost any time today or go to our Facebook page and listen any time you'd like!
Catch Today's show on TuneIn.com almost any time today or go to our Facebook page and listen any time you'd like!
Saturday, February 17, 2018
RB160 The Foreman's Accident aka Trouble in Tunnel 13
Randy Williamson has just been made foreman over the work in tunnel 13 at Knotty Pine Mines. Sandy soil in tunnel 13 makes the digging slow and dangerous. Randy must also deal with two difficult miners who don’t like his Christian faith. Could anything else go wrong in tunnel 13?
Saturday, February 10, 2018
RB155 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream
Henry is having trouble memorizing dates and places for history class. Stumpy tells Henry to put himself into the history he is studying. Henry dreams he is part of a wagon train on the Oregon Trail in the 1840s approaching an unnamed river. Hostile Indians are waiting to ambush the pioneers at the river.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
RB152 Birthday Rescue
It’s Henry’s birthday, and the guys give him some wonderful gifts. Meanwhile a lone hunter falls into a small canyon and is badly hurt. No one knows where he is. He will probably die there in the wilderness unless something happens to change his situation. Can Henry’s birthday possibly be a gift of life to a man without hope and alone?
Saturday, January 6, 2018
RB150 Cliff Rescue
Spring cleaning at ranger headquarters is interrupted by trouble on Mt. Evergreen. Champion mountain climber Keith takes his family climbing on Mt. Evergreen. Little Tim goes wandering off from camp and gets trapped on a crumbly, narrow ledge. Bill and the fellas must find a way to rescue the young climber before he falls off the ledge.
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