Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Saturday, December 30, 2023

RB060 Decision for Death

  Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Dec.30, 2023, is RB060

Decision for Death

Eight climbers on the Savage Mountains (better known as the Refrigerator Mountains) fall into a crevasse. Bill and his rangers are called in to rescue the trapped climbers. Two men have fallen so far that they can’t be reached. Will Bill be able to find some way to rescue these men before they suffer the slow, maddening process of freezing to death?

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 On  Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Dec. 30, 2023, Uncle Bob Devine chats with Stella Snowflake:



Friday, December 29, 2023

RB200 Hunt's Place

  Our RANGER BILL for Wednesday afternoon, 8/28/24, is

RB200 Hunt's Place 

Mr. Hunt won’t let Bill use any of his property for overnight camp outs with the Knotty Pine Boys Club. Soon Mr. Hunt has several problems with his house. He suspects that Bill’s boys club is responsible. Who is causing all the trouble at Hunt’s place and why?

This story is also known as "Mr. Hunt's Estate".

Thursday, December 28, 2023

RB199 Raging Rapids

  RANGER BILL for Thursday, Dec. 28, 2023, is 

RB199 Raging Rapids

Henry helps Pete Flory at a Christian camp canoe trip. Two of the boys, Ed and Paul, constantly get into trouble. The boys decide to sneak away and ride the rapids. They get trapped on the rocks in the middle of the river. The river is rising and getting swifter. They can't escape and no one can get to them. Can Bill and Stumpy save the boys before they drown?

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

RB197 Bill Gets Lost in a Cavern aka Transistor Walkie -Talkies


Wednesday afternoon Dec. 27,2023:

Bill Gets Lost in a Cavern aka Transistor Walkie-Talkies

Bill asks Henry and his boys group to test out the rangers’ new walkie-talkies. The boys’ test takes them deep into the forest where they discover wreckage from a recent plane crash. But the plane’s occupants are missing. The search is on for the missing pilot and passengers.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

RB196 Cotton and Candy

 RANGER BILL for Tueday, Dec. 26 ,2023, is:

RB196 Cotton and Candy

Bill finds an injured bunny and asks Henry to nurse it back to health. Then Bill, Stumpy and Henry visit little Candy Faye who has been in and out of the hospital most of her life. Henry decides to share Cotton with sick little Candy. Cotton disappears. Can our rangers find the bunny? How will Candy react to the loss?

Monday, December 25, 2023

RB202 Christmas Pageant with Bill Pearce

 Our Ranger Bill

for Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2023 is
Christmas Pageant with Bill Pearce

Henry and his boys club are putting on a Christmas pageant in the high school auditorium. It will close with a short performance by Christian recording artist Bill Pearce. There are rehearsals and many problems to iron out. Henry learns that one of the boys, Johnny, doesn't believe the Christmas story. Henry takes the time to witness to Johnny, and Johnny begins to believe. Johnny asks Henry, "If the Bible is true, why everyone doesn't believe?" Wally, a key boy in the show, is hit by a car and must stay in the hospital. How will the pageant go on with Wally in the hospital? What will happen to Johnny? And what of Bill Pearce?

OTRR #151

Christmas Episodes

 For those who don't know, there are three RANGER BILL Christmas stories.

The first is RB096 Jimmy's Christmas Miracle.  

This is about little Jimmy Bensen. He was injured in a fall and must use a wheelchair. Surgery may repair his legs but it is very expensive.

The second Christmas sory is RB201 Christmas Bells.

This story is about Officer Pat O'Roark. Pat suffers a life-threatening heart attack. He gains hope and strength from the church bells, but they are broken. Herman Schmidt is the only one who can fix the bells, but he is down with severe arthritis.

Number three is RB202 Christmas Pageant with Bill Pearce. 

Henry and friends witness at the boys club pageant.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Corner/StorybookRoom guest for this last Saturday befire Christmas, 2023, is Connie the Bactrian Camel:



RB201 Christmas Bells

  Our Ranger Bill

 for early Saturday morning and
two days before Christmas, Dec. 23, 2023, is RB201
Christmas Bells

Policeman Pat O’Roark faces death just before Christmas. He finds strength to live when he hears the church bells ring. When the bells break, only Herman Schmidt, can repair them. Herman has an attack of severe rheumatism and can’t climb the tower ladder to make the needed repairs. Bill and the boys are called on to try to fix the bells.

RB194 Rattlesnake Sam aka 50 or 60 Snakes

  RANGER BILL to end the work week, 12/22/23, is 

RB194 Rattlesnake Sam aka 50 or 60 Snakes

Sam and Danny Smith hunt poisonous snakes for the Florida Reptile Institute. They take Henry’s friend Jack Harris on a snake hunt. Sam loses a bag of snakes, and Jack must protect a school of children from the deadly reptiles. 


Friday, December 22, 2023

RB193 The Fire Bomber's Pink Cloud

  Our Thursday RANGER BILL adventure story for Dec. 21, 2023, is:

(The Fire Bomber's) Pink Cloud

Abner Benson is Bill’s friend from the service. Abner is a pilot with a new way to fight fires by dropping pink clouds of calcium borate on grass. His plane crashes while demonstrating his idea and nearly kills him. Abner’s wife Marge wants him to quit flying. Can Abner stay out of the cockpit to please Marge and still lead Bill’s new fire bombers? 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

RB192 The Firebug aka The Fishermen and the Firebug

  RANGER BILL for midweek, 12/20/2023, is:

RB192 Fire Bug aka The Fishermen and the Fire Bug

Several campfires are left unattended along the river. Rangers Bill and Ralph suspect two out-of-town fishermen are to blame. Mike Demory discovered a fire on the edge of his farm. He suspects that “Old” Buck Sawyer is a fire bug. Mike insists that Bill arrest Old Buck. Bill must find the fire bug before fire destroys the farms and woods.

I believe this is one of the last of the RANGER BILL episodes. Gray wolf and Henry are missing from this story. Also the opening is from the later half of Bill's adventures.


OTRR #143

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

RB191 Freddy's Fallout Shelter

 RANGER BILL has  a story for Tuesday, 12/19/23, that might make you do a little thinking about life:

RB191 Freddy's Fallout Shelter

Freddy gets permission from his parents to build a fallout shelter in their basement. He enlists Henry's help in his grand project. The boys find themselves trapped in the shelter with water coming in and no way out for the water or the boys. The shelter prompts Freddy and his dad to think about death and eternity.


RB190 Runaway aka The River Giant

  RANGER BILL for Monday, 12/18/23, is:

RB190 "Run Away" aka "The River Giant"
Tad Coates owns a barge service at Central City. His newest tow boat is called The River Giant, It weighs 350 tons; has five decks, 10 rudders, four screws, and four engines that produce 8,500 Horsepower.
Tad's other tow boat is pushing ten tanker barges that are holding one million gallons of gasoline a piece. Two of those barges catch fire and burn with intense heat. Pilot Mark is afraid and needs Bill, Stumpy and more to prevent an awful fire.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

RB096 Jimmy's Christmas Miracle aka Faith of a Mustard Seed

 Our Ranger Bill for December 16,2023, is RB096

Jimmy's Christmas Miracle

Little crippled Jimmy Benson needs hope to heal his injured legs that have him trapped in a wheelchair. Bill gives him that hope when he locates a specialist who thinks he can fix Jimmy’s injury. Bill needs help from the church to pay for the operation, but a board member blocks using church funds for this.

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

On Nature Corner/Storybook Room, Uncle Bob Devine chats with Frank Incense. When Jesus was born, the wisemen gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Fankincense has many important uses which make it as valuable as gold. 



RB187 Contentment in God's Will

  RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning 12/16/23 is:

RB187 Contentment in God's Will aka A Need for Excitement

Ranger John Bishop and his wife Jane are bored with their lonely life in an isolated ranger station. John prays that God would break up the terrible monotony of this lonely job. God answers John’s prayer in some interesting and unexpected ways. Life begins to change when an injured Moose McBain and a cougar arrive at John's north station.


OTRR #139

Friday, December 15, 2023

RB188 Forest Fire aka Hot Fire and Sowing Seeds

    RB188 "Forest Fire" aka "Hot Fire and Sowing Seeds" is our

RANGER BILL for Friday, Dec. 15, 2023.
Tom is the ranger at Fire Tower #3. He meets wealthy New Zeeland scientist Dr. Harris and his assistant Franklin. Dangerously dry conditions in the forest force Bill to close the forest to everyone. Dr. Harris and Franklin sneek into the forest and are then trapped in a fierce forest fire. Sudden rains help fight the fire, but also threaten to flood the valley. Fast and effective seeding is needed to save the forest.
What happened to Dr. Harris and Franklin? Did they perish in the fire?
OTRR #140

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

RB186 Tounges of Fire

 RANGER BILL for Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 13, 2023, is

RB186 Tounges of Fire

Frenchy DeSalle’s lumberjacks like to go to Border Town to party every weekend. Frenchy goes to Bill for help controlling his men. Bill soon discovers that a church there has become The Good Times Social Club for Liquor. Then fire begins erupting out of the ground and heading toward Border Town.



RB059 The Man with the Limp

  Our Ranger Bill

for Saturday evening Nov. 9, 2023, is 
RB059  The Man with the Limp

The chairman of the church mission board and the chairman of the orphanage board want to remove a man who is member of both boards because he spends too much time in prayer. Meanwhile a mysterious stranger with a limp comes to Knotty Pine causing much talk.

OTRR #44

RB185 The Duck Call

  RANGER BILL for Tuesday, 12/12/23, is RB185 "The Duck Call".

Mr. Gillette is a traveling salesman selling a supersonic silent duck call. He gets Stumpy and several other duck hunters to buy his calls. Stumpy hopes for some great duck hunting, but Bill isn't convinced that this duck call is legitimate. He begins investigating Mr. Gillette.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

RB183 Mystery Island, Mystery Man

RANGER BILL and Stumpy are on vacation this late Saturday morning, 12/9/23:

RB183 - Mystery Island, Mystery Man

Bill and Stumpy take a long-needed vacation on a cruise ship. The ship makes an “unscheduled stop” at a “mystery island.” The stop gives passengers an opportunity to tour this “unexplored” island. But a real mystery develops when a reporter on the cruise winds up missing and a missing millionaire is found.


RB058 Skiers in the Sky

  Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Dec. 9, 2023, is 

RB058 Skiers in the Sky

Skiers on a cable car are trapped when the car stops in the middle of the air. Then the cable begins to break. Bill must find a way to get up to the car and get the skiers down. One selfish gentleman makes any possible rescue more dangerous for all the skiers.

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Corner/Storybook Room welcomes Calvin the Caribou for 12/9/23:


Thursday, December 7, 2023

RB181 The Trouble with Gossip aka Tell Me a Story

 RANGER BILL for Thursday, Dec. 7,2023, is

RB181 The Trouble with Gossip aka Tell Me a Story

Amelia Perdy starts a rumor that Bill is forcing Stumpy to retire. The rumor spread all over town. KP city council wants to honor Stumpy, so they throw him a retirement dinner. Bill and Stumpy decide go along and play “Tell Me a Story” at the dinner.


OTRR #118

RB179 VIPs Visit Knotty Pine aka The Disappearing Buffalo Herd

 RANGER BILL for Tuesday, 12/5/23, is

RB179 "VIPs Visit Knotty Pine" aka "The Disappearing Buffalo Herd".
Today's RANGER BILL is a real treat! This was the second RB story after "Pendleton Valley Fire". This story was originally four 15-minute episodes aired in Octorber and November of 1950. And it aired again as this 30-minute episode that aired in April, 1954.
Colonel Anders comes to Knotty Pine to inform Bill that the governor, a senator, and the Secretary of State are coming to Knotty Pine to see the buffalo herd, the lagest in this country, 48 head. Bill goes to tell Stumpy and Gray Wolf of the VIPs visit, only to find the herd had completely disappeared. Our rangers search all over, with no sign of any buffalo.
Bill thinks a little swim in the icy waters of the Shady is a good idea at this point!!!???


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

RB180 Roving Wolves

  RANGER BILL for Wednesday, 12/6/22, is

RB 180 Roving Wolves

Gunter Neeves runs a rabbit farm outside Knotty Pine. He is losing those rabbits to a pack of hungry, roving wolves. He asks Bill and his men to deal with the wolves and stop the attacks on his rabbits. When Bill doesn’t get the desired results fast enough, Gunter decides to take matters into his own hands.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

RB177 He Broke Through the Ice

RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, Aug, 3, 2023, is a real thriller:

RB177 He Broke Through the Ice aka They Killed Ranger Bill

It’s well below zero in Knotty Pine, but Henry and Freddy decide to go ice fishing anyway. Bill and Stumpy drive out to see how the boys are doing. Some other boys are playing nearby. Bill drives down the frozen river to check on those boys. His car falls into the river, and he doesn’t come out!!! Henry is bitter, and Stumpy is perplexed. Have we come to the end of Ranger Bill and these stories? 


Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Dec. 2, 2023, gets a visit from Sandy Seagull. Nature Corner has several other recordings on various seagulls as well. Then we hear about Simeon who was promised that he would not die until he had seen the Christ.


RB176 Mike's Horse

 RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 12/2/23, is :

RB176 Mike's Horse aka The Horse Test

Mike Baker is a boy in Henry’s club. He has just become a Christian. He loves horses and rides Sheriff Cal’s horses because he doesn’t have his own. Mike’s dad is strongly against this “religion stuff.” Mr. Baker dares Mike to pray for one to prove God exists. Mike prays for a horse and that his dad will find God. How will God answer Mike’s prayer?


RB056 The Ice Prison

  Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Dec. 2, 2023, is RB056

The Ice Prison

Moose McBain braves the 30-degree-below-zero winter cold on foot to tell Bill that he found a man frozen in the ice on Big Pine Lake. The discovery leads the rangers on a hunt for a missing team of scientists who have been trapped in a cave by an avalanche.

OTRR #42

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Water Tank Rescue - RB175

 RANGER BILL for this Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023, with 

RB175 Water Tank Rescue

 Knotty Pine’s new water tower has just been built and is ready fill with fresh water for all the thirsty townsfolk of Knotty Pine. But Henry and his buddy Alec want a closer look at this new behemoth before it begins its work. Out of curiosity, the boys decide to climb to the top of the tower. Then curiosity gets them into some real trouble, and they don’t know how to get out! This little escapade turns into a matter of life and death!

This story is also known as "Smart Alec's Water Tank Inspection".

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

RB174 Henry's Crisis of Faith/Prove God Exists

 RANGER BILL for Wednesday, 11/29/2023, is:

RB174 "Henry's Crisis of Faith" aka "Prove God Exists"
Henry's college friend, Harvey Elroy, doesn't believe in God, and he is working hard to challenge Henry's faith. Henry has doubts as he wrestles with how to present his faith. A hike with his boys club offers insights into showing that God exists.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

RB173 Marty Patton's Piano

RANGER BILL for this Tuesday, 11/28/23, is a fun and funny story:

RB173 Marty Patton's Piano

Stumpy recalls his younger days when he was studying to become a ranger. The Patton’s were his upstairs neighbors in the boarding house where he was living. The peace and quiet Stumpy needed to study was broken when Marty Patton began taking piano lessons and was practicing EVERY day. See how Stumpy managed to survive this terrible ordeal.

RB172 Ashby's Folly

   We begin our work week with a slippery problem for RANGER BILL in:

Ashby's Folly RB172

Stumpy runs into old friend Miles Ashby at the bank. Miles was just turned down for a loan. He needs the money so he can keep drilling for oil on his property. He thinks there is oil on his land even though no one has found oil anywhere else in the area. Folks call Miles' well "Ashby's Folly." Tully Philmore offers to buy Miles’ land and his oil drilling supplies. Stumpy wants desperately to help Miles but how?


Saturday, November 25, 2023

RB171 Legal Rights

 RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 11/25/23, is:

RB171 Legal Rights

Ken has a real problem. Neighbor Conrad just shot his daughter’s dog, Mr. Prince. Conrad fears and hates dogs after some attacked his horses. Prince is barely alive. Both Ken and daughter Julie are bitter. Is there anything Bill can do to mend fences between these angry neighbors?


Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob's Nature Corner/Storybook Room for 11/25/23 talks to Fernanda the Leaf Frog.


RB054 The Marauder of Goose Lake

   We begin early Saturday morning with quite a big Ranger Bill adventure

for 11/25/23, RB054
Marauder of Goose Lake

There's trouble at Goose Lake - BIG trouble. Homes and cabins along the lake are being broken into and wrecked. Angry homeowners want Ranger Bill and his boys to see the damage and find the culprit or culprits. Stumpy and Gray Wolf soon find something that they can't believe and don't want to believe. It looks like the biggest grizzly alive has come back, Old Joe. The Goose Lake residents are hopping mad and impatient. They aren't going to wait for Bill to get Old Joe. The men plan to hunt down Old Joe themselves. What is Bill going to do this time? How can he handle a mod of angry citizens and this enormous grizzly?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

RB168 The Second Heart

  Our midweek RANGER BILL puts Bill and a small boy on the operating table in:

RB168 The Second Heart

8-year-old Leo Foster faints while taking a walk. Officer O’Roark sees the boy collapse and calls an ambulance. At the hospital, X-rays confirm the worst. Leo has a serious heart defect requiring major surgery. The surgery requires stopping Leo’s heart and tapping into another heart during the surgery. Leo has a rare blood type and needs someone whose blood matches his. The hunt is on for Leo’s second heart!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Arson at Brighton College RB053

  RANGER BILL for Saturday evening 11/18/23, is RB053

Arson at Brighton College 

Bill and Henry take off for the weekend to visit Bill's alma mater Brighton College and enjoy the homecoming football game. Henry is going to Brighton to visit with the college president's son Ronnie Winters. Ronnie keeps getting into trouble and has difficult time owning up to his mistakes. An old building being used as a dorm catches fire and the building's janitor is severely hurt. Fire investigators suspect arson. Later, Bill and Henry spot Ronnie speeding and generally driving dangerously. Is the Brighton fire arson? Could Ronnnie be that arsonist? What can Bill and Henry do to find the fire's cause and the person responsible?

RB170 The White Buffalo

  Our RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 11/18/23, deals with a man who has lost his faith:

RB170 The White Buffalo

Lloyd Adams is building tourist cabins outside of town near a rare herd of buffalo. The lead buffalo is an even rarer white buffalo! Lloyd used to be interested in God and church but now is only interested in money. The buffalo could mean even more profit for Lloyd. Can Bill and Stumpy find a way to rekindle Lloyd’s faith?


RB052 An Old Horse Learns New Tricks

  Our Ranger Bill

for early Saturday morning, Nov. 18, 2023, is RB052
An Old Horse Learns New Tricks

While on the trail, Bill’s horse and faithful friend Storm, falls seriously ill. Bill flies Storm back to State U.. The vets there can’t seem to help. Bill demands the wisdom of his country vet, much to the city vets’ disapproval.

Friday, November 17, 2023

RB164 Freddy's Story aka Old Ben's Gold

   Our RANGER BILL adventure for Friday, 11/17/23, is quite a story indeed!:

RB164 Freddy's Story aka Old Ben's Gold

Freddy Burns tries to get a job as a cub reporter at the Knotty Pine Sun. His family needs the extra income to survive. The secretary sends Freddy out to find and write a story to show his talent. Bill and Stumpy send Freddy to meet Old Ben, an old prospector who never found any gold.

The last line of today's show is quite a nifty joke: "Freddy Burns from the Sun"!!!


OTRR #119

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Lost Pig aka Tangerine, the Pig RB163

  RANGER BILL for Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023, is RB163

The Lost Pig aka Tangerine the Pig

Young Jody and Jill’s family has little money. They hope their pig Tangerine will win the cash prize at the fair. But Tangerine has other ideas. She escapes from the fair and hides in a herd of pigs stranded when their delivery truck crashes. The pigs are headed for the butcher. Will Tangerine end up on some family’s dinner table instead of the winners’ circle at the fair?Catch Today's show on TuneIn.com almost any time today or go to our Facebook page and listen any time you'd like!


Saturday, November 11, 2023

RB151 Bridge Out

  RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 11/11/23, is

RB151 Bridge Out!

Bill and Henry are checking fire lanes deep in the forest and pretty high up in the mountains. Henry takes a walk out on an old, unused railroad bridge for a bird’s eye view of the Shady Valley. Henry sees that a fallen tree has damaged the bridge. He decides to get off when the bridge collapses dropping him hundreds of feet into the valley. Things go from bad to worse when a train whistle announces that a train is headed for the collapsed bridge.


RB050 The Log Jam

 Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, 11/11/23, is RB050

The Log Jam

It is springtime in the Shady River Valley. The Shady River fills with snow melt and logs from the various logging camps high up in the mountains. Bill calls on the services of Frenchy DeSalle to free up a spring log jam that is causing the Shady River to flood homes along its banks. The jam is so huge that Frenchy may not be able to clear it!

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Saturday morning, Veterans Day 11/11/2023 is:

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from a Monarch Butterfly. Bob learns about the amazing life cycle of this marvelous insect. Then we hear about John the Baptist and his message.


Thursday, November 9, 2023

RB157 The Mad Bison

  RANGER BILL for Thursday 11/9/23 was:

RB157 The Mad Bison

It’s springtime in the Shady Valley. And in spring, young buffaloes battle for the right to lead the herd. If the young bull wins, the old lead bull is run out of the herd. Old Snort is an old buffalo bull who just lost his job as leader, and now he’s a lone marauder, savagely attacking any animal in his path. Can Bill and the boys find and stop Old Snort before he causes any more harm in the Shady Valley?


OTRR #183

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

RB156 The No Good Dog


for Wednesday afternoon, Nov.8, 2023,  is RB156

The No Good Dog

 Skinny (Horatio Thornwall Skines) works for successful bloodhound breeder Jarvis Engell and his son Ed. Jarvis gives Skinny a runt pup Peanut. Jarvis says that Peanut should grow up to be a great show dog. Ed gets jealous and wants his own top show dog because wants to defeat Skinny at dog shows. Which dog will win, the one raised on love or the one raised with a club?


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

RB155 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream


for Nov. 7, 2023 is

RB155 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream

Henry is having trouble memorizing dates and places for history class. Stumpy tells Henry to put himself into the history he is studying. Henry dreams he is part of a wagon train on the Oregon Trail in the 1840s approaching an unnamed river. Hostile Indians are waiting to ambush the pioneers at the river.

Chat about  the adventures of Bill, Stumpy, henry and Gray Wolf on our Facebook page (click on the link in the right column). Email me if you are looking for CDs. or mp3 files.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Ceiling Zero - RB158

Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, 11/4/23, is

RB158 Ceiling Zero

Air Force test pilot Gary Metzger is badly hurt when the plane he is testing crashes. Gary develops a fear of flying. Bill and the boys go to see Gary’s brother Paul to see if there is anything he or they can do to overcome Gary’s new found fear of death


RB048 The Man Who Understood

  Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Nov. 4, 2023, is RB048

The Man Who Understood

Angus, one of Bill’s rangers, is devastated when his son Steve is hit by a car and killed. Angus is so grief stricken that he wants revenge on the man who hit Steve. The driver is terribly sorry for the accident and understands how Angus feels. Bill must step in to stop Angus from hurting the driver.

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 On Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Nov. 4, 2023,

 Uncle Bob Devine chats with a Mangrove Tree about his work growing in salt water creating a place for fish to live and building new shoreline soil.


RB148 The Man of the House

  RANGER BILL for our Friday entertainment, Nov. 3, 2023, is

RB148 "The Man of the House".

Bill thinks that orphan Jerry Quinn would be a good fit for young couple Fred and Ruth who lost their son just a few months before. Ruth is still grieving and doesn't want another child so soon.
Jerry has issues of his own. He keeps getting into trouble as a way of dealing with the stress he is feeling.
Can Bill help these lonely, grieving people become a family?

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Cliff Rescue - RB150

  Our Ranger Bill adventure for Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 31, 2023, is RB150:

Cliff Rescue aka Clean-Up Work aka Timmy Climbs Mt. Evergreen

Spring cleaning at ranger headquarters is interrupted by trouble on Mt. Evergreen. Champion mountain climber Keith takes his family climbing on Mt. Evergreen. Little Tim goes wandering off from camp and gets trapped on a crumbly, narrow ledge. Bill and the fellas must find a way to rescue the young climber before he falls off the ledge.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

RB046 The Handcar Race

  Our Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, 1028/23, is:

 "The Handcar Race".

The Fireball Express is streaking north toward the Knotty Pine region at 100 miles per hour with 400 souls on board. "Unc" McFadden is the rail dispatcher at Junction City. His job is making sure that the trains under his care get to their destinations safely. That includes the Fireball Express. Heavy rains followed by flash flooding threaten the rail trestles and bridges near Knotty Pine. To be safe, Unc sends a trestle tester engine to check the northern line especially the old trestle over 800-foot-deep Cougar Canyon. What will the tester crew find? This doesn't sound like any kind of a race to me. What does a handcar have to do with the whole problem? And what does this have to do with our rangers?

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 On Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Oct. 28, 2023

Uncle Bob Devine talks with Patrick the Great Pyrenees Dog.


RB152 Birthday Rescue aka Fallen Hunter

 Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Oct. 28, 2023,

RB152 Birthday Rescue aka Fallen Hunter
It’s Henry’s birthday, and the guys give him some wonderful gifts. Meanwhile a lone hunter falls into a small canyon and is badly hurt. No one knows where he is. He will probably die there in the wilderness unless something happens to change his situation. Can Henry’s birthday possibly be a gift of life to a man without hope and alone?

Monster of White Lake - RB147

 Our RANGER BILL for Friday evening, Oct. 27, 2023, 

has our rangers scratching their heads in amazement and confusion:

 RB147 The Monster of White Lake

Boaters and fishermen are being attacked on White Lake and White River. The monster rises out of the waters, attacks an unsuspecting fisherman, and then disappears back into the depths of the lake. Folks are terribly frightened. Ranger Bill gets called in to identify and hopefully capture the beast.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Rising Curiosity - RB146

  Our Thursday RANGER BILL for 10/26/23, is a story of disobedience and its consequences:

RB146 Rising Curiosity

Bill and Stumpy are in Washington, DC, learning new weather forecasting techniques. Shipping crates full of weather equipment and weather balloons arrive at ranger headquarters. Curiosity over the boxes gets the better of Henry and his friend Jack. They look in one box then another. Pretty soon they’re up to the clouds in trouble.


OTRR #180

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Mystery Island - RB144

  RANGER BILL for this Tuesday afternoon, 10/24/23, is: 

RB144 Mystery Island

Bill, Stumpy, Henry and Mary Lu go camping on Lake Arthur Island. They meet fellow campers kindly Mr. Overby and grumpy Mr. Meany. Both men appear to be keeping secrets about themselves. On their very first evening there, Henry and Mary Lu hear some very strange sounds. The kids get scared and want to go home. What are Bill and Stumpy going to do to salvage their camping trip and get rid of the strange noises?


Monday, October 23, 2023

RB143 Flying Wonders aka Richard and God

  RANGER BILL for Monday, 10/23/23, is:

RB143  "Flying Wonders" aka "Richard and God" .

Henry's cousin Richard comes to Knotty Pine to visit for the summer, and to take flying lessons with Henry and Mary Lu. Bill was their instructor. The flying lessons bring up questions in Richard's mind about God and His ability to be everywhere at once. Richard's boldness at the controls grows rapidly with each lesson. 
Bill is concerned about Richard's faith and his flying confidence.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

RB044 The Old Diehard

   Our late Saturday morning  RANGER BILL story for 10/21/23 is:

RB044 The Old Diehard

Ranger Bill and the boys take a trip to State U. to give chemist Dr. Thaddeus Draper some soil samples to test. The fellas walk into an disagreement between Dr. Draper and his grandson Mel. Dr. Draper wants to Mel to follow in his footsteps and become a research chemist. Mel wants to be an agricultural chemist but won't buck his grandfather. Bill sees the tension building between the Drapers. Mel asks for Bill's help with his grandfather. Then Dr. Draper wants Bill to talk Mel into being a research chemist. Bill is between a rock and a diehard. What is he going to do in this situation? Can Bill make either Draper happy, or will both be mad at Bill and at each other?


Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Corner/Storybook Room welcomes Vivian the Viviparous Lizard. She can be found in Ireland, England, and western Europe.

Tim talks with his Attitude about what scripture says about a good attitude.


RB034 Piggyback

 RANGER BILL tries to make peace between two competitors for early Saturday morning, Oct. 21, 2023:

 RB034 – Piggyback – Dangerous winter weather and complex delivery problems threaten the survival of both Canyon City Truck Lines and the railroad. Leonard Grant, owner of CCTL, and Spence Neihoff, superintendent of the Knotty Pine railroad district, do not get along and refuse to work with one another. Bill must teach these men how to work together instead of against each other.


First aired Nov. 19, 1955. This is OTRR #22.

FBN returns to its usual broadcasting following a successful fall Share-A-Thon. FBN continues to accept donations through the weekend for Bibles for Myanmar.

RB042 Forest Fire Death Trap aka Fire in the Forest

 In our RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, Oct. 14, 2023, Bill tries to kill himself and all his men:

RB042 Forest Fire Death Trap aka Fire in the Forest

The towns of Silver Springs and Claytown are surrounded by 10 forest fires and their citizens are trapped. The southern district rangers can't fight these blazes alone. They call Bill and his men and equipment to control the fires. This is one of the biggest fires the state has ever had. And to top it off, the train bringing equipment from Knotty Pine breaks down. Can Bill help get these fires under control or will rangers and innocent citizens die?

Saturday, October 14, 2023

RB140 The 25th Man aka Operation Calorie

   Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Oct. 14, 2023, is a bit of an unusual tale:

RB140 The 25th Man aka Operation Calorie 

Col. Anders notifies Bill that officials from the White House and from NATO are coming to Knotty Pine for an inspection tour of the entire district. The Colonel wants an honor guard of about 25 rangers to greet and escort the officials around to explain work in each of the many regions of the district.

Bill is in for a shock when he realizes just how out of shape his men are. Two ranger in particular are horribly overweight.


Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine interviews Velma the Velvet Ant on Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Oct. 14, 2023.


Tim talks to Moses about the "image of God".

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

RB138 The Last Fire Call

 The Wednesday RANGER BILL for Oct. 11, 2023,  is RB138:

The Last Fire Call 

 “Grumpy” Jenkins is tired of getting up in the middle of the night and fighting forest fires. He decides to quit the service and retire. Stumpy buys some expensive fishing gear, a car, and a luxury vacation trip to Bermuda. Can this be the end for one of the finest rangers in the forest service? Bill shares how he and the Old Timer met.

RB137 Broken Bootstraps

  RANGER BILL for Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, is:

RB137 Broken Bootstraps

 Bob Benfelt is a struggling, young rancher and an incurable pessimist. Satan has broken his bootstraps. Ranger Bill takes Bob to see the Double Box M Ranch and its owners Myron and Hazel. Myron tells the story of his struggles as a young rancher and of his search for the courage to go on.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

RB136 The Crisis

  (aka Stumpy’s Sight) – Stumpy gets hurt while riding trail. Bill suspects that Stumpy can’t see very well. Bill makes the Old Timer go to the eye doctor. The news isn’t good – cataracts. Stumpy needs surgery before he goes blind. But fear is keeping the Old Timer from getting the operation he needs.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

RB040 Stumpy Gets 30 Days

  Our Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, 10/7/23, is a fan favorite:

Stumpy Gets 30 Days

No, Stumpy wasn't arrested for speeding or  for robbery, but he was crushed and gored by a buffalo bull. Now the Old Timer struggles for life. After weeks of rest and recouperation, the old fella is left weak and tired and in pain. Then later he struggles for the courage to get healthy and return to work. Bill gives the Old Timer 30 days to get back to work or lose his ranger job.

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Coroner/Storybook Room welcomes Loraine Chevrotain (mouse-deer) for October 7,2023.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

RB133 They Called Him a Coward

  Ranger Bill for

early Seturday morning, Oct. 7, 2023, is

RB133 They Called Him a Coward

Jerry is the new boy in town. He is afraid of everything because his father was killed in a fire. Jerry runs away and hides when a school full of children catches fire. Bill and his rangers try to help Jerry overcome his fears with little success. What will Bill do with Jerry when severe storms threaten the Shady Valley?

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Avalanche Rescue - RB132

  RANGER BILL for this Thursday afternoon, 10/5/23, will leave you shivering:

RB132 Avalanche Rescue

Bill and Henry are busy knocking down avalanches on the Big Six Mountains. Novice skier Jenny Bender aims to tackle those steep hills regardless of the risk. Bill closes the Big Six to any skiers until he and Henry clear all the dangerous drifts. Jenny sneaks out to go skiing before Bill opens the slopes. A huge avalanche threatens the ski lodge and the headstrong young lady.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

RB131 One Mile Down

Our RANGER BILL for Wednesday, 10/4/23, is: 

RB131 One Mile Down

Bill and Gray Wolf try to find Lt. Garnet Greentree, missing for 40 years in the Andes Mountains in Peru. The only clue to the missing man's whereabouts is a gold medallion that Bill was given while working for the Peruvian government, stamped with the letters "GG". Bill and Gray Wolf passed the medallion on to the Greentree family who desperately hope to find Garnet.


Monday, October 2, 2023

RB129 The Secret of Seal Island

  Our Monday, 10/2/23, RANGER BILL is one long search for a heartless poacher:

RB129 The Secret of Seal Island

Bill and his rangers have a poacher in the national forest. This man has been able to hunt illegally at will and still avoid even being seen. Gray Wolf names this man lupe garu, Wolverine (the glutton). Wolverine disappears then shows up in Alaska poaching fur seals. Washington asks Bill and Gray Wolf to travel to the Arctic Circle to find and capture this criminal. Can the fellas even locate Wolverine in the Arctic, let alone capture him?


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Set the Record Straight - RB038

  Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, Sept. 30, 2023, is RB038:

Set the Record Straight.

Two misbehaving boys, Justin and Peter, must stay after school as punishment for working on sports plays instead of paying attention in class. The boys tell their parents that their teacher Miss Anderson is prejudiced against sports because she is crippled. Both of the boys’ fathers want Miss Anderson punished or worse.

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Corner/Storybook Room welcomes Charlotte the Carpenter Bee for 9/30/23. Tim learns from the apostle Paul about the effects of bad companions.


RB127 The Adventure of the Tarnished Gold

 RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning, 9/30/23, is an adventure in greed:

RB127 The Adventure of the Tarnished Gold

Ben Barkley is a mining engineer. He has been digging on an old gold mine that ran dry years ago. Ben says he has found a new vein of gold using modern mine engineering techniques. But Gray Wolf and Henry think something is funny about Mr. Barkley's find. They suspect that Ben Barkley is trying to swindle folks with a phony strike. Bill is gone and Gray Wolf and Henry must step in and learn the truth about the Barkley mine.


Thursday, September 28, 2023

RB126 The Gospel Goes to Reform School

  RANGER BILL for Friday, May 17, 2024, is:

RB0126 The Gospel Goes to Reform School

Warden Dawson rules the reform school with an iron hand. Bill wants to come in and offer the boys education, sports, and Bible study. The warden finally lets Bill come. Then a riot breaks out at the school. Will Bill or the warden be able to bring peace to the school?


RB124 Soup Truck

  Our RANGER BILL tale for this midweek is filled with great danger and even greater bravery:

RB124 Soup Truck

A truck carrying nitroglycerin blows up just outside the town of Landslide. The mayor closes Landslide to all dangerous truck traffic. Closing Landslide will put the explosives company out of business and hurt many other businesses. Bill must find a way to prove to the mayor that even nitro can be taken safely through Landslide. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

RB123 River of Fire

  Ranger Bill for Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 26, 2023, is:

RB123 - River of Fire 
Officers O'Roark and Ryan are walking the night beat along the docks on the Shady River. The smell of fuel oil stops them in their tracks. The pipeline over the Shady has sprung a huge leak! The river is covered with a solid layer of the fuel oil. The slightest spark could set the river on fire or even cause an explosion. Things go from bad to worse when a bad lightning storm strikes. Bill, the safety forces, and the pipeline company may not be able to handle this disaster.

Monday, September 25, 2023

RB122 A Prisoner on Ice Island

  RANGER BILL for Monday 9/25/23 is RB122

A Prisoner on Ice Island 

Knotty Pine's city council wastes time debating how to pay for a fence that is critically needed to keep kids off the ice flows on the Shady River. Two boys do get stuck on an ice flow, and that flow is heading for a drop into a deep gorge! Bill must find some way to safely reach and rescue the boys!


Saturday, September 23, 2023

RB036 Sleeping Death

   Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning:

RB036 – Sleeping Death for this Sept. 23, 2023.

– Sleeping Sickness infects the Central City area. Local manpower and equipment are not enough to control the mosquito population. The rangers are called in to help spray for mosquitoes, but one large landowner won’t allow the spraying on his land leaving many in danger of infection.



RB117 The Measure of a Man

 The early Saturday morning RANGER BILL for Sept. 23,2023, is RB117:

The Measure of a Man 

Tough guy Muscles and his two friends terrorize Knotty Pine and beat up Henry and the school principal. Judge White sentences the three troublemakers to some hard time - on the trail with Bill and the rangers to experience what real tough men are like. Bill lets the boys "escape" into the mountains to learn that they aren't so tough roughing it in the wilderness.


OTRR #159

Friday, September 22, 2023

RB120 The Self-Made Man

  RANGER BILL for Friday, 9/22/23. is:

RB120 The Self-Made Man

Dutch Vanderhaven lost his son in the war and is very bitter over his loss. He doesn't want any one's help, and he won't help anyone, not orphans, not even the church. Then Dutch is gored by a huge bull. Now Dutch is the one who needs help, but his neighbors won't give him any. Can Bill and Stumpy find a way to get the work done at Dutch's ranch and change a town full of stubbornness?

Thursday, September 21, 2023

RB119 Mrs. Murphy's Chowder

  Thursday's RANGER BILL for 9/21/23, is:

RB119 Mrs. Murphy's Chowder 

Bill and the boys and Maggie Murphy take 50 boys from their church to camp for three weeks. Henry has some problems as lifeguard during swim times. Stumpy and Gray Wolf lead a snipe hunt. Bill deals with one boy's home sickness. But Maggie must deal with a filthy kitchen, feeding 50 hungry boys, and then a food thief. She threatens to leave if the thief isn't caught. Bill must find the guilty boy or lose the best cook west of the Mississippi! Find out what happens to Mrs. Murphy's famous chowder too!!!


OTRR #161

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

RB118 The One-Wire Fence

  RANGER BILL for a Wednesday afternoon, 9/20/23, is RB118

The One-Wire Fence

Jeremiah Sykes is a rancher and preacher on Elk Mesa. Young Herb Bradshaw, son of powerful rancher Thunder Bradshaw, is starting up his own ranch using electric fences. Jeremiah is misusing the Bible to oppose electric fences. Thunder and Jeremiah may go to war over Herb and his ranch. Bill and our rangers must be strong and on constant alert to deal with this range war!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

RB116 The Deadly Laundry Basket

  RANGER BILL for this Tuesday, 9/19/23:

RB116 The Deadly Laundry Basket

Bill gets a phone call from Sergeant Jim Donato of West Grove, IL. Jim's neighbor was bitten by a poisonous snake and is barely clinging to life. The snake was hiding in a laundry basket sitting in her garage. Bill thinks a rare plague of swamp rattlers has invaded the town. Bill and Henry fly to West Grove to try to deal with the threat. Then a child is bitten and the town begins to panic. What can the fellas do to protect West Grove from panic and this deadly menace? (A list of the RANGER BILL cast and crew is given at the end of this show.)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

RB034 Piggyback

  RANGER BILL tries to make peace between two competitors this Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023:

 RB034 – Piggyback – Dangerous winter weather and complex delivery problems threaten the survival of both Canyon City Truck Lines and the railroad. Leonard Grant, owner of CCTL, and Spence Neihoff, superintendent of the Knotty Pine railroad district, do not get along and refuse to work with one another. Bill must teach these men how to work together instead of against each other.


First aired Nov. 19, 1955. This is OTRR #22.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

RB030 Flaming Grass

   Our Ranger Bill adventure for late Saturday morning, Sept. 16, 2023, is:

RB030 – Flaming Grass – Bill issues prairie warnings for Knotty Pine County during a summer with no rain, but farmers and ranchers refuse to adopt fire control measures, so Bill calls in Big Brute for help. 

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

Nature Corner/Storybook Room for 9/16/23

 Uncle Bob Devine's Nature Corner/Storybook Room chats with Sarah Mara (rabbit-like rodent found mostly in Argentina). Tim learns from the apostle Paul.


Charlie's Nightmare - RB113

  Our Ranger Bill hair-raising adventure for early Saturday morning, 9/15/23, is RB113

Charlie's Nightmare

An out-of-control missile is flying over Knotty Pine. It could fall from the sky at any time and explode! Bill could choose to have the missile shot down, but that would destroy millions of dollars of damage to the national forest.

Friday, September 15, 2023

RB112 The Mad Bats

    Thursday's RANGER BILL for 9/14/23, is:

RB112 The Mad Bats

 Bats invade the attic of the Phipps' home, and one even bites Edna Phipps. Bill and Stumpy go to evict the bats and discover the bats are sick with rabies! The boys get help fighting off the bats from some feathered friends. One of the Phipps' neighbors causes Bill even more trouble than those pesky bats. 


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

RB110 The Battle at Jenkins Manor

  RANGER BILL for this Tuesday, 9/12/23, is one knock-down, drag-out fight

RB110 The Battle at Jenkins Manor

It's been many years since Stumpy's wife died; and he has finally decided that he doesn't have the time or energy to take care of himself and his house. Bill convinces him that he needs a housekeeper until Bill nominates Maggie Murphy for the job.

Maggie is a strong woman. She needs to be strong, a widow with four boys to care for. She acts much like a drill sergeant, which doesn't set well with Stumpy.

Stumpy is so desperate for a better home life that he hires Maggie, Stumpy's worst fears about allowing Maggie in his house are quickly realized and the battle begins! 

RB111 The Prehistoric Monster

    RANGER BILL for midweek, Sept 13,2023, with:

RB111 The Prehistoric Monster

 The circus has arrived at Junction City. A full-grown bull rhino is its main attraction. This particular rhino doesn't like being in the circus. The huge beast breaks his chains and charges off into the forest. Bill and the boys are called in to find and shoot the marauder before he hurts anyone or does any serious damage. Can our rangers safely corner this prehistoric monster? Will Stumpy's pride endanger the hunt and possibly endanger lives too?

Monday, September 11, 2023

RB109 The Man Who Lost God

   Our RANGER BILL to begin the new work week, 9/11/23, is a strange, Old Testament style mystery:

RB109 The Man Who Lost God

Bill's rangers spot large campfires on the top of Razorback Ridge. Bill, Stumpy, and Gray Wolf go to investigate. They find what appear to be animal sacrifices like sacrifices in the Old Testament. No one is sure who is doing this and why. At the same time the wealthy Thompson family send out letters searching for their lost son. Bill has his hands full with two mysteries at once!

It appears as though RB108 The Wrong Valley and RB109 are both stories of men who have lost God, each in their own way.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

RB028 The River Monster

   Our RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, Sept. 9,2023 

RB028 – The River Monster –

 The town of River's Bend builds some new dikes and levees to protect the city and its residents from the flood waters of the Shady River. But dikes can’t protect River's Bend from Zack Stephens and the huge log raft he is floating down the river.
