Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Saturday, June 29, 2024

RB013 The Man Who Couldn't Remember

 Our RANGER BILL mystery for Saturday afternoon, June 29, 2024,

RB013 The Man Who Couldn't Remember  

A dazed and confused man stumbles into a hobo jungle. The hobos fear the man is wanted by the law so they dump him on a freight train. The rangers find the man outside of Knotty Pine in an abandoned shack singing hymns. The man appears to have amnesia and might be a minister. Bill, Stumpy and Gray Wolf begin a fast-paced search for the man’s identity.


OTRR #16

RB158 Ceiling Zero

 Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, 6/29/24, is

RB158 Ceiling Zero

Air Force test pilot Gary Metzger is badly hurt when the plane he is testing crashes. Gary develops a fear of flying. Bill and the boys go to see Gary’s brother Paul to see if there is anything he or they can do to overcome Gary’s new found fear of death


OTRR #184

RB157 The Mad Bison

  RANGER BILL for Friday, 6/28/24 was:

RB157 The Mad Bison

It’s springtime in the Shady Valley. And in spring, young buffaloes battle for the right to lead the herd. If the young bull wins, the old lead bull is run out of the herd. Old Snort is an old buffalo bull who just lost his job as leader, and now he’s a lone marauder, savagely attacking any animal in his path. Can Bill and the boys find and stop Old Snort before he causes any more harm in the Shady Valley?


OTRR #183

RB116 The Deadly Laundry Basket

  RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning, 6/29/24:

RB116 The Deadly Laundry Basket

Bill gets a phone call from Sergeant Jim Donato of West Grove, IL. Jim's neighbor was bitten by a poisonous snake and is barely clinging to life. The snake was hiding in a laundry basket sitting in her garage. Bill thinks a rare plague of swamp rattlers has invaded the town. Bill and Henry fly to West Grove to try to deal with the threat. Then a child is bitten and the town begins to panic. What can the fellas do to protect West Grove from panic and this deadly menace? (A list of the RANGER BILL cast and crew is given at the end of this show.)


OTRR #158

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Saturday, 6/29/24:

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from Gertrude Gibbon who lives in Cambodia. Gibbons are the smallest of the monkeys and she is designed to be able to swing easily through the trees and vines of the jungles of southeast Aisia.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

RB156 The No Good Dog


for Thursday afternoon, June 27,2024,  is RB156

The No Good Dog

 Skinny (Horatio Thornwall Skines) works for successful bloodhound breeder Jarvis Engell and his son Ed. Jarvis gives Skinny a runt pup Peanut. Jarvis says that Peanut should grow up to be a great show dog. Ed gets jealous and wants his own top show dog because wants to defeat Skinny at dog shows. Which dog will win, the one raised on love or the one raised with a club?


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

RB155 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream


for Wednesday, June 26, 2024 is

RB155 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream

Henry is having trouble memorizing dates and places for history class. Stumpy tells Henry to put himself into the history he is studying. Henry dreams he is part of a wagon train on the Oregon Trail in the 1840s approaching an unnamed river. Hostile Indians are waiting to ambush the pioneers at the river.

Chat about  the adventures of Bill, Stumpy, henry and Gray Wolf on our Facebook page (click on the link in the right column). Email me if you are looking for CDs. or mp3 files.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Pete's Civil War - RB153

  Ranger Bill

for Monday, June24, 2024, is RB153

Pete's Civil War aka Civil War Junk

Pete Granville has spent his whole life collecting relics from the Civil War. Pete has sacrificed for years to buy those relics. He even dreamed of turning his home into a museum. But today Pete put up a sign – “Junk for Sale.” Stumpy is determined to help his old friend turn his collection into a working museum.

Pete's Civil War first aired Oct. 11, 1961. This episode opens with the second of two openings used on the show. This opening was first used in the Fall of 1959, according to my records.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

RB012 The Eviction of Pa and Ma Skunk

 Ranger Bill for late Saturday morning, 6/22/24, is:

RB012 The Eviction of Pa and Ma Skunk

 Texans Arnold Fleming and his family have just bought a house at Goose Lake. But there is a problem. Another family is already living in, or rather under, the Flemings’ house, a family of skunks. The Flemings don’t know what to do or who to ask for help. Luckily, neighbor Abner knows just what to do. He calls in Ranger Bill. But evicting these stinky pests may prove to be much harder than anyone could imagine.

OTRR #18


Forgotten RANGER BILL episode info

 As I have mentioned in the past, I have been running the RANGER BILL Club for over 18 years now. Too often I forget some important things that I don't use very often.

Today is one of those days. I was looking at a file stored on the RANGER BILL group on Facebook. The file is "old-Ranger-Bill-Episodes.xls". A kind member of the RB staff in Chicago assembled this spreadsheet with a great deal of important information about the episodes some years ago.

The file contains the episode numbers (RBxxx) followed by the titles, followed by most of the first airing dates. The next column contains the original episode numbers (Rxxx) apparently in their original airing order. As you can see RB001 Twenty Fathoms Under the Sea aired on 5/26/54 and its airing number is R164. R001 (column L and to the right) aired 10/2/50 and was titled Fire in Pendleton Valley 1. R004, 10/23/50, part 1 of 4, for Mystery of the Missing Buffalo, later to become VIPs Visit KP.

R380 may be the last RB episode "Ranger Bill on Educational TV". Most of those 15 minute episodes we've probably never heard. 

Here are some other episodes lost to time:

R166 If Horses Could Talk

R188 The Twenty-third Hour

R109 Knotty Pine's Giant Eagle

R110 Big Ed the Grizzly Bear.

The list goes on. Check it out for yourself. 

And a big THANK YOU to that unknown RB staff member!!!

Nature Corner/Storybook Room -grey wolves

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for June 22,2024

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes Lukas the Grey Wolf. Lukas, Grey Wolves, Bufaloes, Moose, and other wild animals have become endanged by the human population growth in America. Lukas also tells about wolf howls (singing) and much more.



Storybook Room has several other mp3 recordings about different types of wolves.

RB114 The Hardhead

 RANGER BILL has his hands full for early Saturday morning, 6/22/24, with:

RB114 The Hardhead

 Colonel Anders must take a couple of months off for surgery. A man from Washington, George Benton, comes to Knotty Pine to fill in for the colonel. Mr. Benton is rude and expects ALL the rules to be followed to the letter without deviation or exception!!! Bill refuses to follow Mr. Benton's rule book. Benton suspends Bill, and the rangers revolt.


Friday, June 21, 2024

RB152 Birthday Rescue aka Fallen Hunter


Ranger Bill for Friday, June 21, 2024,
RB152 Birthday Rescue aka Fallen Hunter
It’s Henry’s birthday, and the guys give him some wonderful gifts. Meanwhile a lone hunter falls into a small canyon and is badly hurt. No one knows where he is. He will probably die there in the wilderness unless something happens to change his situation. Can Henry’s birthday possibly be a gift of life to a man without hope and alone?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

RB151 Bridge Out!

   RANGER BILL for this first day of summer, is

RB151 Bridge Out! aka Henry's Bridge

Bill and Henry are checking fire lanes deep in the forest and pretty high up in the mountains. Henry takes a walk out on an old, unused railroad bridge for a bird’s eye view of the Shady Valley. Henry sees that a fallen tree has damaged the bridge. He decides to get off when the bridge collapses dropping him hundreds of feet into the valley. Things go from bad to worse when a train whistle announces that a train is headed for the collapsed bridge.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

RB150 Cliff Rescue

   Our Ranger Bill adventure for Wednesday afternoon, June 19, 2024, is RB150:

Cliff Rescue aka Clean-Up Work aka Timmy Climbs Mt. Evergreen

Spring cleaning at ranger headquarters is interrupted by trouble on Mt. Evergreen. Champion mountain climber Keith takes his family climbing on Mt. Evergreen. Little Tim goes wandering off from camp and gets trapped on a crumbly, narrow ledge. Bill and the fellas must find a way to rescue the young climber before he falls off the ledge.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

RB149 The Law of the Golden Rule

 Our RANGER BILL for Tuesday, June 18, 2024, is:

RB149 The Law of the Golden Rule

Horace Butler holds the mortgage on Knute Hobson’s ranch. Knute doesn’t have the money to pay the note. Knute needs two extra months to pay the note. Horace gives him one weekend or he will foreclose Knute’s mortgage. Then Horace gets in trouble with Bill for not correcting safety violations on his ranch.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

RB011 Death's Half Mile

  RB011 is our RANGER BILL story for early Saturday morning, June 15, 2024,

"Death's Half Mile".

One stretch of road outside of Knotty Pine generates at least three accidents a week. It's called Death's Half Mile. This road has a very sharp corner followed by a narrow bridge followed by a nearly blind railroad crossing. Bruno Allen and his son live on a ranch near the roadway. They must be ready at a moment's notice, day and night, to call police and offer first aid to the injured.
Ranger Bill and his men intend to end the nightmare at Death's Half Mile!

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for June 15, 2024:

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from Kitty the Rat Kangaroo from the Victoria Desert in southern Australia. Kitty is a true kangaroo who is only 11 inches long. Don't confuse her with the kangaroo rat who is a true rat and not a kangaroo.


More of God's truth from Bob Devine:

Did you Know that Bob Devine wrote books about many of the animals that he interviewed on Nature Corner and Storybook Room? Bob wrote at least 6 books geared toward grade school aged readers showing how and why these animals were designed by their creator.

Bob's first book was Uncle Bob's Animal Stories, roughly 120 pages about 26 different animals.

He also wrote:

Uncle Bob's Owl and Elephant Book

Uncle Bob's Racoon and Woodchuck Book

Uncle Bob's Kangaroo and Flying Squirrel Book

Uncle Bob's Seal and Polar Bear Book

These books are roughly 30 pages long.

Bob also wrote Uncle Bob Talks With My Circulatory System.

I have not been able to find any of these books in any library in Ohio. Possibly your Christian school or college library has copies of these books on their shelves. Let me know if you find any of them!

I did find a few copies of these books (used) for sale online.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

RB143 Flying Wonders aka Richard and God

   RANGER BILL for Monday, 6/10/24, is:

RB143  "Flying Wonders" aka "Richard and God" .

Henry's cousin Richard comes to Knotty Pine to visit for the summer, and to take flying lessons with Henry and Mary Lu. Bill was their instructor. The flying lessons bring up questions in Richard's mind about God and His ability to be everywhere at once. Richard's boldness at the controls grows rapidly with each lesson. 
Bill is concerned about Richard's faith and his flying confidence.

RB145 Mind Over Matter

  Our midweek RANGER BILL for Wednesday, 6/12/24, is:

RB145 Mind Over Matter aka Crazy Man Comes Back

Former ranger George Foster returns to restart his life in Knotty Pine after seven years in a mental hospital. A gang of tough kids does their best to make life unbearable for George and his family.


RB146 Rising Curiosity

   Our Thursday RANGER BILL for 6/13/24, is a story of disobedience and its consequences:

RB146 Rising Curiosity

Bill and Stumpy are in Washington, DC, learning new weather forecasting techniques. Shipping crates full of weather equipment and weather balloons arrive at ranger headquarters. Curiosity over the boxes gets the better of Henry and his friend Jack. They look in one box then another. Pretty soon they’re up to the clouds in trouble.


OTRR #180

Saturday, June 8, 2024

RB110 The Battle at Jenkins Manor

  RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 6/8/24, is one knock-down, drag-out fight

RB110 The Battle at Jenkins Manor

It's been many years since Stumpy's wife died; and he has finally decided that he doesn't have the time or energy to take care of himself and his house. Bill convinces him that he needs a housekeeper. Bill nominates Maggie Murphy for the job.

Maggie is a strong woman. She needs to be strong, a widow with four boys to care for. She acts much like a drill sergeant, which doesn't set well with Stumpy.

Stumpy is so desperate for a better home life that he hires Maggie, Stumpy's worst fears about allowing Maggie in his house are quickly realized and the battle begins! 


RB010 Hit and Run

 Our RANGER BILL tale for early Saturday morning, June 8,  2024, is

RB010 Hit and Run

The entire town of Big Pine is shaken and angry when a leading citizen dies in an apparent hit and run accident. Two young hot rodders involved in the accident, Rube and Smitty, fear the town’s wrath. So they run and hide and hope they are never found. Bill and Stumpy investigate the accident and intend to find both the driver and the truth behind this tragedy.


OTRR #12

Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Saturday June 8, 2024:

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from Bertha the Basket Star Fish. Bertha is a spiny-skinned star fish who lives on the bottom of the ocean.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

RB141 Setting Sail aka The Man at the Door

  RANGER BILL for Thursday afternoon, 6/6/24, is:

RB141 Setting Sail aka The Man at the Door

Bill and JoJo (filling in for Henry) take an ocean cruise to Puerto Combello so Bill can teach new forestry and conservation practices there. Their cruise is soon interrupted when Bill catches a man listening to their conversation through the cabin door. The man escapes, so Bill and the ship's detective must hunt the man down. There is also a wealthy man from the Middle East onboard, and Bill is concerned for this gentleman's safety.


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

RB140 The 25th Man

  Ranger Bill for midweek, June 5, 2024, is a bit of an unusual tale:

RB140 The 25th Man aka Operation Calorie 

Col. Anders notifies Bill that officials from the White House and from NATO are coming to Knotty Pine for an inspection tour of the entire district. The Colonel wants an honor guard of about 25 rangers to greet and escort the officials around to explain work in each of the many regions of the district.

Bill is in for a shock when he realizes just how out of shape his men are. Two ranger in particular are horribly overweight.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

RB139 Dynamite and Music aka Stumpy's Harmonica aka Horrible, Sweet Music

RANGER BILL for this Tuesday, June 4, 2024, is 

RB139 Stumpy's Harmonica aka Horrible, Sweet Music aka Dynamite and Music

Stumpy’s harmonica playing is driving everyone at ranger headquarters crazy. Meanwhile, 20 miles away, a thunderstorm sets off blasts at Brown Brothers Quarry trapping several men. The rangers help the miners rescue the trapped men after hours of digging. Next Stumpy and Henry are buried alive by more explosions. They have no way of being located. Who can save our rangers from their rock tomb?


Monday, June 3, 2024

RB138 The Last Fire Call

  The Monday RANGER BILL for June 3, 2024,  is RB138:

The Last Fire Call 

 “Grumpy” Jenkins is tired of getting up in the middle of the night and fighting forest fires. He decides to quit the service and retire. Stumpy buys some expensive fishing gear, a car, and a luxury vacation trip to Bermuda. Can this be the end for one of the finest rangers in the forest service? Bill shares how he and the Old Timer met.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

RB009 Bim, the Dog

 Ranger Bill for Saturday afternoon, 6/1/24

RB009 Bim, the Dog

Bim was a very special dog. His owners, Otto Jorgensen and his two sons, loved him enough to build an animal hospital in his name. Bim killed a rattler threatening the Jorgensen boys. Then he helped rescue young Paul after a bad fall. Later he served his country during World War II and returned home to save Otto.

"Bim" is actually several true stories of heroism performed by different dogs around the country.

RB120 The Self-Made Man

   RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, June 1, 2024. is:

RB120 The Self-Made Man

Dutch Vanderhaven lost his son in the war and is very bitter over his loss. He doesn't want any one's help, and he won't help anyone, not orphans, not even the church. Then Dutch is gored by a huge bull. Now Dutch is the one who needs help, but his neighbors won't give him any. Can Bill and Stumpy find a way to get the work done at Dutch's ranch and change a town full of stubbornness?


Nature Corner/Storybook Room

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Saturday morning, 6/1/24

Uncle Bob Devine gets a visit from Jay the Electric Torpedo Ray with his powerful 220-volt skin.

Here is the Storybook Room audio:


and now the Nature Corner audio:


RB108 The Wrong Valley

 RANGER BILL for early Saturday morning, 6/1/24, is one of faith in the midst of pain and suffering

RB108 The Wrong Valley

Jacq McIntosh is Knotty Pine's blacksmith and one very powerful man. He is usually quite happy and full of joy. He likes to sing worship songs as he works. Trouble visits the McIntosh home suddenly one day with terrible force. His wife Annie is blinded in an explosion, and his son Ernie is badly injured in an auto accident. Jacq is angry with God and feels like Job. Can anything more go wrong for Jacq? Will anger and despair keep Josh in the terrible valley of depression? Can Bill do anything to bring Jacq out of that wrong valley?
