Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Thursday, February 20, 2025

RB111 The Prehistoric Monster

  RANGER BILL for Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025, with:

RB111 The Prehistoric Monster

 The circus has arrived at Junction City. A full-grown bull rhino is its main attraction. This particular rhino doesn't like being in the circus. The huge beast breaks his chains and charges off into the forest. Bill and the boys are called in to find and shoot the marauder before he hurts anyone or does any serious damage. Can our rangers safely corner this prehistoric monster? Will Stumpy's pride endanger the hunt and possibly endanger lives too?


RB110 The Battle at Jenkins Manor

   RANGER BILL for Monday, Feb. 17, 2025, is one knock-down, drag-out fight

RB110 The Battle at Jenkins Manor

It's been many years since Stumpy's wife died; and he has finally decided that he doesn't have the time or energy to take care of himself and his house. Bill convinces him that he needs a housekeeper. Bill nominates Maggie Murphy for the job.

Maggie is a strong woman. She needs to be strong, a widow with four boys to care for. She acts much like a drill sergeant, which doesn't set well with Stumpy.

Stumpy is so desperate for a better home life that he hires Maggie, Stumpy's worst fears about allowing Maggie in his house are quickly realized and the battle begins! 


RB113 Charlie's Nightmare

   Our Ranger Bill hair-raising adventure for Thursday evening, 2/20/25, is RB113

Charlie's Nightmare

An out-of-control missile is flying over Knotty Pine. It could fall from the sky at any moment and explode! Bill could choose to have the missile shot down, but that would cause millions of dollars of damage to the national forest.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

RB223 The Seeing Eye Dog

  Ranger Bill for Saturday evening, Feb. 15, 2025, is quite a thriller and one we don't get to hear quite as often as many others:

RB223 The Seeing Eye Dog

Henry wants to volunteer as a ranger fire fighter, but Stumpy is against the idea. The fellas are invited to dinner at the Hansen's home. They meet Prince, young Susan Hansen's seeing eye dog. Fire breaks out in the Hansen's neighborhood. Their house catches fire, and Prince is killed in the blaze. Henry is accused of letting Prince die.


#18 in this list

RB178 Honest Prayer

  RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 2/15/25, deals with sincere prayer:

RB178 Honest Prayer

Bill thinks Henry may be lacking sincerity in his prayer life. He wants Henry to speak from his heart. Bill and Stumpy share the story of Al Ferguson who wanted to help others avoid empty, repetitious prayers. A storm at a church picnic and what followed helped Al make his point.


RB052 An Old Horse Learns New Tricks

  Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, 

Feb. 15 2025, is RB052
An Old Horse Learns New Tricks

While on the trail, Bill’s horse and faithful friend Storm, falls seriously ill. Bill flies Storm back to State U.. The vets there can’t seem to help. Bill demands the wisdom of his country vet, Jeremiah Sutter, much to the city vets’ disapproval.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

RB108 The Wrong Valley

  RANGER BILL for Thursday evening, 2/13/25, is one of faith in the midst of pain and suffering

RB108 The Wrong Valley

Jacq McIntosh is Knotty Pine's blacksmith and one very powerful man. He is usually quite happy and full of joy. He likes to sing worship songs as he works. Trouble visits the McIntosh home suddenly one day with terrible force. His wife Annie is blinded in an explosion, and his son Ernie is badly injured in an auto accident. Jacq is angry with God and feels like Job. Can anything more go wrong for Jacq? Will anger and despair keep Josh in the terrible valley of depression? Can Bill do anything to bring Jacq out of that wrong valley?


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

RB105 The Falling Giants

  Our Ranger Bill adventure 

to begin our work week, Feb. 10, 2025, is RB105

The Falling Giants

The Giant Pines are falling over without any explanation. Bill and the boys must find out what is happening before the forest is lost. What is causing this? Is it insects, a new disease, poor soil. or what? Millions of dollars of beautiful, majestic pines are in danger. The forest service and lumber companies want answers, and Bill is at a loss to provide those answers.

This story first aired on October 8. 1958.

OTRR #82

RB106 Terror on Finger River

  RANGER BILL for Tuesday afternoon, 2/11/24, is one scary mystery:

RB106 Terror on the Finger River

The Finger River flows out of the Rockies and into the Pacific. Much of the river is a mix of salt and fresh water. That mix makes hunting and fishing along the river excellent. Suddenly, fishing lines are being robbed and hunters are losing their kills to something in the river. The thief appears to be a baracuda, a killer with two rows of razor-sharp teeth and fins. Bill must find this thief and stop it - whatever it is. Can Bill locate our thief, or will terror continue on the Finger River?


RB107 Petticoat Rangers

  Our RANGER BILL for a Wednesday, 2/12/25, is a classic:

RB107 Petticoat Rangers

Bill doesn't have enough men for all the work around the national forest. He and his rangers have to work 18 hours a day. Bill has a solution to the problem - women volunteers in the fire towers. The rangers refuse to allow women rangers. Will the rangers work themselves to death or will they give Bill's PETTICOAT RANGERS a chance? Can female rangers do a ranger's work if they get that chance? In my opinion, this is one of the funniest Ranger Bill stories ever! You get to hear some of Stumpy's funniest and most famous lines! And you get to see a little of what life was like back in the 1950's.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

RB177 He Broke Through the Ice

 RANGER BILL for Saturday afternoon, Feb. 8, 2025, is a real thriller:

RB177 He Broke Through the Ice aka They Killed Ranger Bill

It’s well below zero in Knotty Pine, but Henry and Freddy decide to go ice fishing anyway. Bill and Stumpy drive out to see how the boys are doing. Some other boys are playing nearby. Bill drives down the frozen river to check on those boys. His car falls into the river, and he doesn’t come out!!! Henry is bitter, and Stumpy is perplexed. Have we come to the end of Ranger Bill and these stories? 


OTRR #115

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Bees

  Nature Corner/Storybook Room extra for Feb. 8, 2025

Lifetalk Kids Radio is another station that airs different Nature Corner episodes. This last week Lifetalk has shared several of Uncle Bob Devine's episodes about wasps and bees. Here is a little of what they shared this week.

Sheila Ammophila Wasp - https://moodyaudio.com/products/sheila-ammophila-wasp

Bertha Arctic Bumble Bee - https://moodyaudio.com/products/bertha-arctic-bumble-bee

Charlotte Carpenter Bee - https://moodyaudio.com/products/charlotte-carpenter-bee

There are several more episodes with other bees and wasps!

RB176 Mike's Horse aka The Horse Test

 RANGER BILL for late Saturday morning, 2/8/25, is :

RB176 Mike's Horse aka The Horse Test

Mike Baker is a boy in Henry’s club. He has just become a Christian. He loves horses and rides Sheriff Cal’s horses because he doesn’t have his own. Mike’s dad is strongly against this “religion stuff.” Mr. Baker dares Mike to pray for one to prove God exists. Mike prays for a horse and that his dad will find God. How will God answer Mike’s prayer?


Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Bonobo

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room for Feb. 8, 2025

Uncle Bob Devine welcomes Joe Bonobo. Joe is an ape. He is very similar to a chimpanzee. He is a great climber and loves to swing from branch to branch on the jungle trees. Listen to Joe describe his life in Zaire, Africa.


RB104 The Fighting Parson

  RANGER BILL for Friday afternoon, Feb. 7,2025, is:

RB104 The Fighting Parson 

Silvertown is a rough, tough mining town. The miners there spend all their free time drinking and scaring the residents. They have driven five preachers out of the only church in town. The few members of the church ask Bill to find a parson willing to fight - with his fists. Bill gets Spence Fielding, a powerful young man from State U. Can Bill and Spence get Silvertown under control? Or will the drunken miners succeed in destroying the church?


OTRR #80

RB051 Catching a Big Fish with a Small Hook

  Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Feb. 8, 2025, is RB051

Catching a BIG Fish with a Small Hook

A government scientist, Dr. Orlando, needs Dr. Jonathan Black to be his replacement. But Dr. Black disappeared after a lab accident killed a friend. The Secret Service thinks that Dr. Black is hiding in the Knotty Pine area. Ranger Bill knows someone who may be the missing doctor.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

RB102 The Cruel Man

  Our Ranger Bill for Wednesday 2/5/25, is RB102

The Cruel Man

Basil Rascombe is a successful rancher on the Big Mesa. He is also a man with a big problem, his out-of-control temper. Stumpy and Henry are riding on Big Mesa when they find a badly beaten colt. They care for the yearling and put it protective custody. Basil has Stumpy arrested and taken to court. Basil WANTS the colt back. What can our rangers do to rescue both Stumpy and the colt? Can Bill get Basil to control his temper or will rage rule?

Water Hot Rods - RB103

  Ranger Bill for Thursday, 2/6/2025, 

is an action-packed adventure about speed boat racing

RB103 Water Hot Rods

There's trouble on Beaver Lake. A group of young men, including Henry, are racing their power boats on the lake. Most of them are racing safely, but the boys with the fastest boat are endangering everyone else using the lake. Folks want Bill to stop the speed boating. Bill comes up with a plan to stop the dangerous boating. Then the troublemakers find a way to foil Bill's plan. Who will win this battle of wits? Will Bill be able to protect innocent vacationers on Beaver Lake?


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

RB101 Eddie and Mr. Foxy

  Our Ranger Bill adventure for a Tuesday afternoon,

 Feb. 4, 2025, is RB101
Eddie and Mr. Foxy

Mr. Bartholomew is a multi-millionaire. He gets whatever he wants. He meets young Eddie who has been trying to catch a huge trout he calls "Mr. Foxy." Eddie and Mr. B. become instant friends and soon go fishing together. Eddie shares his faith and his love of life with Mr. B. Then something happens to Eddie. Bill asks, "Can money give you anything you want?" What does it get Mr. Bartholomew?

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Nature Corner/Storybook Room - Velvet Ant, Porcupine

 Nature Corner/Storybook Room - for Sat. 2/1/25

Uncle Bob Devine has two guest for us today, Velma the Velvet Ant (actually a wasp) and Percy Porcupine.

Velma is a female wasp who looks like a large hairy ant. Her mate is a wasp and looks like one. God has created Velma to move safely into a bumble bee underground nest,  lay her eggs safely, then leave. Visit her link to learn more.


Percy porcupine is a North American Porcupine. He is one of eight different species of porcupines. He protects himself with the 30,000 quills on his back and tail. Percy like to eat tree bark, branches, leaves and more.


You will enjoy the links to other wasps, ants, and porcupines that you will find along with Velma's and Percy's links.

RB174 Prove God Exists/Henry's Crisis of Faith

 RANGER BILL for late Saturday, 2/1/2025, is:

RB174 "Henry's Crisis of Faith" aka "Prove God Exists"
Henry's college friend, Harvey Elroy, doesn't believe in God, and he is working hard to challenge Henry's faith. Henry has doubts as he wrestles with how to present his faith. A hike with his boys club offers insights into showing that God exists.

RB094 Rogue Elephant

 Our Ranger Bill for early Saturday morning, Feb. 1, 2025, is 

RB094 Rogue Elephant

Long lost elephant Mahmud the Mighty attacks homes and farms. Circus owner Baxter B. Bixby offers to catch this animal now gone wild. Ranger Bill isn’t convinced that Mr. Bixby is qualified to capture any animal in the mountains, let alone a crazed elephant. Bixby has a plan to capture the beast, but Bill still isn’t sure it will work.