Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Answer to "RB Show Title Used Twice" Question

Thanks to everyone who participated in our question this last week, "What is the only RB show title used twice?"

RB006, aired in 1954, and RB192, aired in 1962, shared the same title, "The Fire Bug." Randolph Thompson was the 1956 "Fire Bug." Thompson would not put spark arrestors on his old coal-burning engines. Those engines passed through the big pines during the dry season setting off any number of fires that threatened those ancient giants. The 1962 "Fire Bug" found Bill and Ralph looking for the person or persons who were leaving campfires unattended up and down the Shady River. The boys suspected old hermit Buck Sawyer and also two out-of-town fishermen.

Congratulations to the 62% of you who got the correct title. I consider that one of our tougher questions. I think our next question is even tougher, it's about one of the retired Ranger Bill stories. Good luck and God's blessing!!!

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