Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Missionary Ken Wolfgang

 Missionary Ken Wolfgang of HOLYness BIBLEs for the blind has recently remastered the 229 or so RANGER BILL mp3 files that can be found across the internet. The quality of the mp3s is quite good. Even the recently discovered "Moose Plague" mp3 is improved.

If you would be interested in a free copy, contact Ken at: 

Missionary Ken Wolfgang

HOLYness BIBLEs for the blind

P.O. Box 471

Ashtabula, Ohio 44005

1 440 997 5303 Office-land line

1440 789 9411 Cell





He has even redone my episodes summary, with spelling errors and typos removed. He also has a RANGER BILL at a Glance file with the shows listed in chronologoical order.

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