Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Friday, March 5, 2010

RB067 The Book Farmer

Whitey Moore is excited to return home to Knotty Pine after spending four years earning his degree in the College of Agriculture at State U. Whitey can't wait to try out many of the things he learned on the family farm. But Pop Moore doesn't like all of his son Whitey's book learning. Pop is not going to bet the farm on Whitey's new ideas. Inoculating seeds before planting, charting milk production, and renting farm machinery aren't good ideas to Pop. Bill tells Whitey to be patient and Pop will see the value in his book learning. Can Whitey wait for Pop to come around? Will Whitey give up and ignore all he has learned? Will the Moore family split apart in a fight between Pop's experience and Whitey's education?

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