Ranger Headquarters

Ranger Headquarters
Big Pine National Forest, Knotty Pine

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!! from Knotty Pine

Ranger Bill Jefferson, Stumpy, Gray Wolf, Henry, Ralph, Rocky and all the gang from Knotty Pine and Big Pine National Forest want to wish everyone a "Happy 4th of July!!!"

Please take time this weekend to remember the sacrifices made by so many brave soldiers to preserve the blessings of peace and freedom that we have enjoyed in the USA for more than 200 years. And thank the Lord God for giving us national peace despite so many threats to that peace. Above all, thank God for the supreme peace we have with Him through faith in the death of Jesus on the cross.

Knotty Pine is celebrating the Fourth with a BIG fireworks display this Saturday night at 9:00 PM. The fireworks are being sent up from Jock McIntosh's welding shop property north of Knotty Pine's downtown. The fireworks display can be best viewed from Knotty Pine's square. On-street parking as well as parking in all downtown parking lots is permitted for the evening's show.

Big Pine National Forest will be open throughout the holiday weekend. Ranger Headquarters, all camping areas within the forest, as well as the visitors center and the Chuck Wagon food center will be open during regular hours. Ranger Bill has deputized several local residents as volunteer rangers for the weekend to help with the expected crowds and to give the rangers a little free time with their families and loved ones. Frenchy DeSalle and some of his loggers are some of the weekend rangers. Dick and Bob "Unc" Mitchell with their three tugboats will handle policing Shady River traffic and river fire control for the 4th.

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